I love how they wont let anybody say Invincible in this show and they just introduce the title of the show every time. It's absolutely perfect

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Am I crazy, or is that dude in the very few first seconds ... One Punch Man !?

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Amazing episode. I'm liking this show more and more. Love the idea of monster girl and the downside of her power. Absolutely brilliant

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Man why'd the robot have to be bad I liked him

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Shout by BKurtz

Absolutely loved the training sequence. Rex Splode is such a dick. lol. Really liking the "Hellboy" guy too (can't remember his name). Interested to see more of him. And what the hell is up with Robot? Is he just a tool for the Man now? Its rare and very refreshing to watch a show that leaves me excitedly hungry for the next episode!

Those previous comments, by the way, were made by the cloned version of BKurtz, which is a lesser version of the original BKurtz, who will now brutally dismember his inadequate copy. Going forward, only the original BKurtz will be making comments about this show.

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Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-21T07:40:27Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:37:01Z

  • He plays a good con act
  • Toxic masculinity?
  • Oh, that's awkward
  • They don't like Fight Force, huh?
  • Heh, the monkey man wears underwear and shoes
  • Eh, good sportsmanship
  • A girl?
  • Ok, I'm not laughing like Rex, but I'm shocked that someone so young would be in this business
  • OHHH
  • LMAO
  • I know she's strong, but the psychological stuff, though, right?
  • Robot, lol
  • Invincible, let's go
  • Woah, girl
  • Rex pisses off girls easily, doesn't he?
  • Wait, I just realised Invincible's eyebrows are outside his suit
  • Poor Robot
  • Oh wait, she's cursed? Dang
  • Oof, she burned Robot
  • Sexist director, smh
  • Lol, where is Mount Rushmore?
  • Kaiju?
  • Man using progressive ideologies to justify villainy? Ok
  • Bruh, why do you want to murder these people?
  • Bruh, she's not very understanding
  • Woah, what? She's an enigma
  • Cthulu?
  • Poor Eve, jeez
  • Love triangle?
  • Bruh, Eve being supportive
  • Aw, Pete
  • Bellbottoms?
  • RIP the original (clone)
  • Robot?!

SCORE: 8/10

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Shout by Deleted

Tentacle kaiju thingy... more and more Watchmen element popping up*, assuming we go in the same direction qith that monster. Decent episode but nothing special.

*not to mention that Omni-man = Ozymandias + Dr. manhattan(ish) powers, and the demon detective filling Rorschach's role narrative-wise. (Also the security guard and his son filling the reoccurring newspaper vendor and the comic-book reader role.

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Shout by Conor Brett

Plot = 7.5 / 10
Writing = 7.5 / 10
Performances = 7.5 / 10
Cinematography = 8 / 10
Pacing = 7.5 / 10
Directing = 7.5 / 10

7.6 / 10

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