I love how Villanelle’s assignment is the complete opposite of what she usually does and that Eve and Villanelle are working together. Now I just wait for them to finally kiss and make out.

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ooooh I like this whole Eve & Villanelle working together vibe.
And Carolyn is COLD. Damn.

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Shout by Lightning13

Cool, no more kebab for me then

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They're really ramping up the random bits of weirdness involving Carolyn's life and I'm loving every minute of it. I wonder if that was the plan all along or if they only realized that they struck gold after they brought her into the cast.

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I don't know that there can ever be a level playing field with these two, no matter how much audiences want it.

I enjoy the subtle dynamics of Villanelle trolling Eve while Eve feels unnerved. It's antagonistic. Eve responds by acting cautious and controlling. Eve is half fangirl about Villanelle, half critic.

It will be interesting to see if Eve learns how to disarm Villanelle instead of pouring fuel on the fire. This episode shows us all the ways where Eve fails in her approach with Villanelle, and Villanelle fails in her approach with Eve.

They are both very bold characters.

I don't believe Eve is a psychopath or a sociopath, even though they strongly pushed the "Villanelle and Eve are actually quite similar and Eve needs to realize this" theory. The writers are also asserting that "Eve is discovering her true self- She must choose between two paths: becoming like Carolyn or becoming like Villanelle." I don't buy that those are the only choices.

However, I also thought Eve was too smart to fall for Villanelle, and I was wrong.

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  • my girl eve got that good breakup sex
  • loving Villanelle's persona but damn is it weird to hear her talk like that
  • Carolyn continues to be my personal favorite
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Two of my favourite quotes from the show are are in this episode. One really funny one from Carolyn goes:

“I can’t stand breakfast. It’s just constant egg. Why? Who decided this?”

And another sad one from Villanelle undercover at AA “I hurt myself, I don’t feel it. I buy what I want, I don’t want it. I do what I like, I don’t like it.”

Both stick in my head.

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Getting silly now, just killing people out in the open where everyone can see and nothing happens

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LOVE the little parallel of Villanelle breaking in and messing it up ( using the toothbrush, putting half the banana in the salt dispenser, ripping the book, etc ) at the beginning of the ep, and then we get Eve later on literally messing up the music box and drawer of bras in Gemma's home... :joy:

It's also just so funny to me, watching Eve become more unhinged by the ep lmao

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This show is getting worse and worse. And now it's also even a bit boring, which it hadn't been.
The only reason I'm still watching is for Comer's amazing performance.

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I was waiting for Carolyn's reference to the Wicker Witch of the West to pay off. Wow this show has great writing.

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I'm just so bored.

My exact sentiment 90% of the time I'm watching this series.

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Shout by John Bernardi
BlockedParent2019-05-13T20:22:49Z— updated 2021-02-18T20:25:39Z

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