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Mindhunter 2017

they canceled this fantastic show, meanwhile they keep producing shitty teen drama's. what a shame

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There are no shootouts, there are no violent scenes of murder, there is only talking and talking, and talking. This show is about behaviour without really showing it. Superb directing by Fincher, Douglas, Kapadia and Lindholm, but where the show really excels is in the writing.

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im a simple woman i see jonathan groff in the trailer, i watch the whole thing

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Words are stronger than actions. That expression depicts this show perfectly. For a show with zero action (not a hyperbole, I assure you) and all dialogue, I found myself more glued to the screen than with any other show in the last few years. The casting was spot-on, characters are charismatic, the interviews are mesmerising, the dialogue is compelling... Above all, the writing is stellar. This is one of those shows that comes once in a lifetime.
Easily one of my favourite shows of 2017. Highly recommended!

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I'm so mad we might not be getting Season 3. Spent two seasons building up BTK, and now ended on a cliffhanger...

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are we fucking kidding here

one of the best shows on netflix, absolutely fascinating subject and I know that it's all about the cash but come on... the amount of shit Netflix throws their money on hoping it sticks and we can't get a decent show running for more than 2 seasons? (I'll die bitter about GLOW who miraculously got 3 seasons before it got yeeted off)

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Really great series. Very solid acting, interesting plotlines and characters with much depth. I like that it's not just a 'bad guy of the week' series. How the different storylines affect eachother and both their professional and personal lives is very nicely done.

Don't expect action or a lot of exciting scenes. You can feel the tension underneath! Just great!

This comes highly recommended!

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Why is there no hype around this show? It is amazing. A drama around the genesis of criminal psychology, a subject that many of today's shows are based on. Never found a slow moment, hooked from the beginning. Tons of details surrounding every encounter.

The first three episodes or so are mostly ideology and dialogue between the agents, but once the interviews begin things take off and continue to build momentum. There is definitely a second season coming to this one and I can't wait.

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It's one of the best Netflix series, it's a shame they canceled it, I liked it.

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This show having only 2 seasons is my villain origin story and I’m entering my joker era as we speak

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how the hell netflix gave this up :thinking: and keep renewing on mediocre series like elite

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Best new drama of the year! Casting is spot on, performances are amazing, scenes shot with brilliance. Amazing stuff!

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bring this show back and stop cancelling great shows!

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Sometimes to slow but delivers well on the title.

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well, fuck. I just loved it. The performances are impeccable and the plot is great. I can't wait for the next season.

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Very well made suspense-detective-thriller show. It manages to keep you interested despite almost complete lack of any action on the screen, by interesting dialogs and deep atmosphere.

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Very atmospheric show, once you start you wont stop.


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I decided to quit after season one because, while not a bad show as such, ultimately it didn't win me over. I pondered to quit during the first four episodes but it became better so I stuck around. But it was to much up and down, back and forth for me. I didn't particulary liked any character and while the story is interesting I often thought I'd much rather watch a docu about the topic or listen to the original interviews.

And with a possible season three still hanging in the air and maybe never to occur I don't want to end up with an unfinished show after season two.

I still give the show a "7" which from my point of view is the highest I can give to a show I quit watching. It's loss of interest and rationality and not quality of the production why I quit.

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jeez if this isn’t one of the greats. such a shame they’re not making more!

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Very interesting. Good show. It seems to be chronicling the early days during the creation of the BAU division at the FBI. This would be a precursor to the material in the show "Criminal Minds".

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Yet another worthwhile American series canned in its prime. I sometimes wonder if it is to do with falling ratings, or the writers (creator?) getting lazy on what had become an involving, complex storyline. Also, I'll wait to see if the actors ever have such a good platform for them to thrive in.

TL/DR: Great series axed.

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I find the show so boring could not bare it :D

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really good and dark series with some based-on-true events about how the Behavioral Unit of the FBI first began

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This is a great show. Well written, well acted, and well...just great! I literally binged watched both seasons - meaning I got up, got coffee and started watching. Love the subject matter and how they intertwine the characters and procedure and getting the job done! Sometimes, they can conflict in real life. LOL

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Are you interested in serial killers? Yes? Okay. And do you want to know what was leading to term "serial killer"? Yes? Then you have to watch this tv series! First episodes were quite slow and there is a lot of talking but you want regret it... If you're interested in this theme this show deserves your attention.

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This is masterpiece! Period. Can't wait for season 2.

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Wish I wouldn't have binged watched this - now I have nothing to keep me going until Season 2.

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Cant stop of the best shows out there. Intersting storyline, charactets anr great atmosphere.

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I just finished bingeing Mindhunter as well and really enjoyed it like many others here. The show definitely had the whole David-Fincher-Zodiac-vibe going along with it (for obvious reasons), and I really enjoyed the pace of it all. The incarcerated killers were brilliantly acted with the portrayal of the killer Ed Kempfer as the star of it all. I really loved getting into the psychology of "serial killers" especially during a time when the field and knowledge around "serial killers" wasn't even really established or properly understood yet. Each different killer gave off their own unique and distinct vibe (with no copying of Hannibal Lecter), which only further added to the excitement in the show.

The first episode is pretty slow and doesn't give you a great sense of where the show is going, but the series really starts to take off in the second episode and I couldn't stop myself after that. Please give me a second season ASAP!

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I loved it! This is obviously a very interesting topic and the fact that these are real people makes it so much more fascinating.
The whole cast was terrific but Ed Kemper(Cameron Britton) was definitely the cherry on the top here. Incredibly creepy performance.
If you watch the first episode and don't like it, just keep watching. The second episode is where it really gets interesting.

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Definitely not for me!!...It takes a high IQ

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Shout by Daniel

Just starting...
p.s LOVED the opening 6min sequence!

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Show went downhill fast wow

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One of my all time favorite true crime series, that takes what Criminal Minds did in its first two seasons; and brought it to a very visceral look into the darkest of subjects and its impact on those who take it as a duty to look into the darkness that peers back.

Loosely based on the origins of the BAU at Quantico in the 70’s, and elements of the real life stories of Robert Ressler, John E. Douglas, and Dr. Anne Wolbert Burgess.

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still can't believe they cancelled this masterpiece

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It's amazing how unsettling this show is even though it doesn't show any actual violence.

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Star Trek, Firefly now Mind Hunters. List of shows cancelled by idiots. Amazing show.

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Very interesting show. Shame they cancelled it.

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I really enjoyed the 1st season and got invested into the show, the 2nd season however, the Atlanta case, the moms of the victims had way too much of a condescending attitude coupled with sass that just felt out of place in the context of the murders, and not to mention the classic netflix trope of "muh black brother"... and Wendy just got uselessly sidelined and I really couldn't give a sh!t about any of her personal experiences, nor could I care any less that she was gay, which is why I literally skipped all her scenes and haven't noticed anything missing... otherwise, its a great show and I'm really bummed that it got canceled...

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The lead characters may be fictionalized, but the cases and the birth of the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI are real. The book of the same title is actually written by one of the two founding members of that unit. The series begins with more talk than show but eventually the episodes become thriller oriented. Even though it was set up to follow one particular case throughout the series, Netflix has canceled it after two seasons, so we don’t get to see the resolution of that specific case, although we will recognize it from the news coverage of that time. The interviews of incarcerated serial killers and the in-depth look at the Atlanta child murders make up the bulk of the dramatic tension. I personally appreciated the writing of the lead characters and found their stories compelling. I have given the episodes 7s (good) out of 10, but would probably say the series is an 8 (interesting). [Crime Drama]

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It was absolutely criminal that Netflix refused to meet the pricetag necessary to continue this series.

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Season 1 was fantastic. Genuinely surprised by good reviews of Season 2. What did you guys enjoy in season 2? Lots of dead air, dry realism, and incompetent detective work. Casting and Score were excellent. I still feel Holden Ford's character wasn't developed properly in S02 after that brilliant S01 and instead Fincher chose to go sideways with Wendy's romance subplot. (Why????) If only season 2 could've been a feature and this drama would've been a masterpiece.

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if you like unbelievable bullshit!

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Yes. The writing, acting and casting are all brilliant, but to be honest, the directing and production of this series is what impressed me the most. It's one of the best I've ever seen. So detailed and so authentic and SO underrated. I mean can we talk about the background noise in most scenes? Wow I was so in love with that.

P.S: The pilot will make you want to turn off the show and never look back, but RIDE IT OUT. Trust me. Because it's one of the worst, most boring episode in history of television. But it's all uphill from there.

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Shout by Deleted

I’ve been blown a away what a great show

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This show is nothing short of fucking amazing.

It started great, and with second season it got even better... But I had a few problems with some aspects of the 2nd season.

1st - Holden's panic attacks were relevant at the first 2 episodes than he just came back to normal like nothing ever happened and thats the only way Holden's personal life is adressed in this 2nd season.

2nd - Wendy relationship break-up seemed pretty forced and it have built up better... it just looks like the all thing went nowhere.

Still I like the show a lot and I'm looking for the next 3 upcoming seasons.

8/10 (so far)

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I liked the second season much more. It was awesome to see them use the things they had learned from the first season in the one.

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One of the best Netflix shows :ok_hand:

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This is a really good show, can't wait till season 2.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing plot and great acting characters, and also stunning finale, this is it !!!

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Shout by Nicole Marie

Great show ... the realistic relation to real killers takes it to a new level.

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Cant stop of the best shows out there. Intersting storyline, charactets anr great atmosphere.

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Only saw 2 yet but already having a feeling that this is something revolutionary. I've seen anything like this on TV before. The pace and lack of thrill might turn off the masses but will be really pissed if this is doesn't strike up a conversation. BTW Who thought of Hannibal Lecter resemblances with Ed?

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