Personal Lists featuring...

Pennyworth 2019


Shows with at least 75% rating on trakt (and enough votes). No documentaries, reality tv or anime.

(Find the pre-2010 list here:

(Find the movie list here:


I'll Try to Update it as much as I can ;)


Canceled or ended shows.
Previous list was somehow deleted. This is an attempt to recreate it. However, it may take some time.


Anything that is published by DC and its sister comic books and adapted into Movies or TV Shows (Including before DC even become DC)


Every live-action, animated and series from the DC Comics Universe.


Shows & Movies I Haven't Seen But Want To Or Need To Go Ahead & Watch.


Check my other lists for more movies & shows.


All DC related movies, shows, seasons, and episodes.


DC Comic Shows

by rkvine82


Collection of DC films and Movies


Dystopian, which literally means "bad" and "place" in Greek - refers to a setting primarily based around a society under the control of a repressive regime. The nature of these societies may vary. Not always explicitly political, some may be religious, corporate or criminal in nature. You can expect, as a normality, political and social oppression, secret police, open political corruption as well as a totalitarian scope to their power. Dystopian narrative often implicitly or sometimes explicitly offer dialogue about contemporary society.

They may also emerge as the byproduct of the crumbling of society, leaning into Post-Apocalyptic fiction.

This list does not include shows where a Dystopian setting is peripheral, or adjacent or only present within certain episodes of the show.


Alternative History settings essentially ask "What If?". They investigate what might have happened if history had taken an alternative path, presenting different outcomes. Many Alternative History settings involve Sci-Fi elements such as Time Travel.

This list takes a relatively 'strict' interpretation of Alternative History settings. It specifically only includes settings where there has been a specific societal drift, societal change. That is to say that a show that happens to be set in a historical or contemporary era but has magic does not apply to this. There has to be specific political, social and/or religious differences between the settings to count on this list.


Neo-noir is a term given to movies or tv shows that share characteristics and/or borrow major influences from classic Film noirs. It refers to settings in an dark, urban, gritty environment usually following a hardboiled, troubled or psychologically damaged detective or criminal investigating or furthering a criminal/political conspiracy.

Tropes and motifs of the setting include presentation of social injustice, corruption, blurring of moral lines and often unsympathetic and troubled protagonists in an urban environment.


TV Shows of All Time


Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:
