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ReBoot: Season 1

1x11 Talent Night


Shout by Andrew BloomVIP

It feels odd giving this episode a perfect score. It's not so much an episode with any real plot or character stakes as it is a series of sketches, but they're all a lot of fun. This episode is clearly a lark, not meant to be taken seriously (or as seriously as an oftentimes silly show can be), and in that, it succeeds. The cultural references were fun (everything from the Village People, to William Shatner, to Bob and Dot's spiritual cousins from the "Money For Nothing" video (made by the same folks who make Reboot). Dot's nightclub act was unexpected and entertaining, and while I can't say I ever imagined a guitar battle between Bob and Megabyte, it was a hell of a surprise and highlight. Thinly veiled digs against Standards & Practices aside (Reboot's brushes with the network over censorship are rather infamous), this show had one of its finest outings when it was only out to have some fun.

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