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Red Oaks 2014

there's something very charming about this tv show, also it has an amazing soundtrack!

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This is a really low-key show that will certainly slide by most people. Being an Amazon exclusive that only got three short seasons, it never really had much of an opportunity to grow. With that being said, it is a show that takes more of a plot driven approach to comedy that gets you invested in the characters and their predicaments. It is comparable to shows like Love and Brockmire and really is easy to love. If you are a fan of just easy to watch comedies that focus on character development, you should really check this show out!

Average Season Review: 8.17/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Plot Driven Comedy Fans)

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awesome show, this kind of feelgood stuff was what other series' miss. also, the casting is pretty good, the girls are incredibly beautiful. hope it get's picked up too.

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So sad to see the end of this great show! It really is a great feel-good show.

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Sad to see the show shut down after only three seasons. There was much more potential in there, probably not fancy/ catchy enough to get a bigger audiance.

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Very good show, I really liked the first season!

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that was entertaining..

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Shout by Deleted

Loved the show hope it gets picked up as a series.

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I love it, totally ninja, please make more!

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Shout by Joel Barthel

A feel-good show. Absolutely watchable, really liked it.

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I really loved it. Red Oaks empathized a loth with me. Sad to ear that the show was deleted, bye guys :_(

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Shout by Trix256

Unsure whether I like this show or not yet. Seems good and fun but not laugh out loud funny. May need more likeable characters too.

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