I had a promise. As every good thing has an end, we have come to the end of this beautiful thing.The plot, acting and effects were amazing from beginning to end. If you saw this comment right now, you probably liked the series. I was so glad to see Billy alive in the last scene. She had a great final. If I had time, I could finish this series in 1 day. I was never bored. Thank you for everyone's efforts. An excellent series. Among my favorites :grin::grin:

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Praying for another season :pray:

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one of the best shows ive watched in years! probably my favorite mid century fantasy show now. tho they kinda lost the plot a bit with the dude who was supposed to catch nell within a month but other than that they managed to do great with 8 episode.

it ended sweetly here but i wouldnt mind another season of nell.

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Shout by Kazinos-0

side note, nell and sofia would be a great example of enemies to lovers trope if they ever went that route. the clearance scene between the three of them is something i rarely sees in tv shows, it was executed perfectly. usually when they do this type of scene the villain will say the protagonist is weak (with all the powers in the world and youre still weak etc) and let them be killed by the the other protagonist, which is cool ig but still boring.

in here, both thomas and sofia acknowledged their faults and is willing to take responsibility and nell, even with everything that she and her family went through, still gives them a chance.
it sets repercussions for the siblings and show how kind nell is.

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Hearing Nick Cave singing Renegade Nell at the end was the cherry on the cake. Enjoyed this show more than expected!

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