I waited months for this, I was so excited! But I guess my expectations were too high... Since sadly enough it turned out to be a bunch of meh... ! It was alright...

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Excellent animation but

Me esperaba mucho mas de esta serie. Inacabada e insuficiente desarrollo.

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Too much military. Not enough zombies. Just boring unfortunately. I wanted to like it.

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Cliched plot which became boring by the 3rd episode. Expected more after watching the trailer. The graphics and animations could have been better for 2021 standards. You can skip this one..

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Very BAD series, a movie adapted to be a series, a plot with no sense, no character development or even a good animation.

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It’s so weird that they had better animation 15 years ago. Cheap project.

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good cgi animation, but i kinda enjoyed it.

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Bad Resident Evil CGI movie made into a 4 episode Netflix show...

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Boring. Good animation but no suspense.

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Didn't have high expectations going into it. But even than I found the series pretty bad: the voice acting sucked, the story was totally cliche and made no sense at all. And let's not even start with the animations...

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I've seen a lot of incredible things throughout 13k episodes of TV and 7k episodes of Anime. This is one of the worst.

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Shout by João Paulo Almeida

A super easy plot to understand. If you have Claire to be on this, then you should use her a lot more in a heroic way. And it needed a bit more of Bio Weapons to ease the thirst of a RE fan. The ones we got were nice, but few, and they could have given more sense of danger.

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They should have made a movie instead, 4 episodes nothing interesting.

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animation and graphics are not great, worse than the game at various points, the story is ok, not great, but ok,it gives us a look on the origins of tricell and a bridge between the events from RE4 and RE5, which is cool...

i dont feel like it was a waste of time watching it, but i sure wouldnt watch again and would feel no different if it never existed to begin with, it may be cannon, but its a really useless piece of the cannon lore, so there really isnt any need to watch it if you are just looking to have a better understanding of the events in the franchise, treat it as an extra something and you will get some entertainment from it, treat it as a important cannon piece... and you will be disapointed.

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Take place between re4 and re5.

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