Rosé and Olivia deserved a double shantay...

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"What kind of All Stars bullsh*t is this?"
Well even if it was too obvious the twist it felt like an special episode before the real premiere.
I'm so in love with the cast, like I love every one of them.
I was ok with the results except for the first one! Jay Joey and Kandy Muse together felt like both Gemini's personalities, can relate so much!
I'll be so dissappointed if one of the queens is eliminated by the others.

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Rupaul: Surprise lip sync bitches!
Queens: Magically knows all the lyrics
Who are we trying to fool, Ru?

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i really don't like this twist. lipsyncs only matter when we know the queens. it was a really long episode, and i'm annoyed that we lost the kind of element of surprise that comes when we see queens lipsyncing for the first time on their seasons.

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Shout by Ward

Lip syncs are the most boring part of the show for me so this was a bit boring to me and felt unfair to the losing queens. And i think the format has been much too harsh, especially with the voting at the end.

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so are we suppose to believe the queens suprise? bitch, please

who tought this format was a good idea

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