Well, firstly it's this made up country "Kurkistan" and then the "kurkistani" diplomat who shows his passport in public to tv when he is confronted about the murder of a 19 year old. What kind of bullshit is this?
Oh and I think everybody is sick of the phrase "The leader of the free world" / "The most powerful man in the world" being said at least once every three episodes and being forced down the audience's throat.

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It’s starting to bother me that Olivia constantly treats her employees, who are all insanely loyal and dedicated to her, like less than the literal dirt beneath her shoe. I feel like she has Stockholm Syndrome’d them all, and now she seems to think they’re merely her minions who will do whatever she asks.
Honestly, I get Abby’s frustrations about the lies and bossiness, I really do. I’d go nuts if I were in her position too!

P.S. Mellie is seriously SUCH A QUEEN

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I forgot how much of a political dog Mellie could be in these first few seasons. I don’t care for lying miscarriage Mellie but forcing Fitz’ hand is always great.

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Que coisa é essa! confuso, o cara lá que é uma pessoa importante, matou uma moça, porém não pode ser investigado ou preso, então ele pode fazer o que for. que leis americanas são essa, chocado! parece coisa de Brasil, que qualquer um mata, talvez nem vá pra cadeia ou fica meros 4/5 anos.

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