I’m seeing a lot of negative comments, but I’m finding this heartwarming and fun so far. Really likable characters facing real hardships particularly in their relationships, which everyone can relate to. It’s unrealistic on the therapy side of things but that’s what drives a lot of the humor. Overall I think this is a strong start.

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The therapists mistaking anti-social behavior with asocial one makes me sad and worried for any possible blunder in the future. I know, it's a comedy tv show, but come on, it's such a basic thing to know for people in the field.

I agree with the other comment, it's a little bit too corny. I'm also not a fan of characters doing stupid things just to create more drama and move the plot forward (like the daughter's behavior when coming back home with sandwiches -- wth?). These tropes get tiresome very quickly.

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“No one comes out of life unscathed. But you only have one option: you will let your grief drown you or you will pierce this wave and come out the other side.”

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I watched the two episodes that were put up and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It's not bad but I'm not finding it incredibly compelling, in my view it's a bit too corny and cringe, it tries way hard to pull on the heartstrings.

It had a good premise, I just think it was ruined with the over the top silly characters, too childish. And don't expect to laugh out loud while watching it, from the creator of Scrubs, this is certainly not in the same comedic universe. This is a drama about dealing with the grief of losing a spouse, the struggles of a single father's relationship with a daughter, and helping others suffering from mental turmoil. Also, the characters and circumstance seem very unbelievable.

The show has some star power but it doesn't have much of a spark yet. I'll stick with it and see how it grows, maybe it will get better.

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This episode much better than the first . It was quite enjoyable

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They have to be paying Harrison Ford a fortune for being in this.

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Why is Taco Tuesday vaguely racist? Doesn’t it celebrate that taco’s are a good thing, so they have a day?

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I don’t know if I’ve missed something but I’m not sure of the characters relationships with each other. Why is the daughter hanging out with Harrison Ford? Is he just her dads boss or are they related in some way? Who is the woman looking after Alice? An aunt or just a friend? It’s not clear how these people all know each other and fit together.

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Shout by Co

This episode is definitely way better than the first one. It had more funny moments and tearjerker stuff which I've come to expect from a Bill Lawrence show.

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