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Slow Horses 2022


Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2022-04-08T20:15:24Z— updated 2023-03-15T12:38:39Z

3 episodes in...
First episode was 6/10,
2nd episode 8/10,
3rd episode 10/10

Glad I stuck it out during the first episode as this is turning into a really good show.

Season 2 looks like it's already in the bag. Can't wait to see it.
Season 2 was even better, right from the beginning. 10/10.

Season 3 looks great as well!

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Not bad first episode and as per usual Gary Oldman is top class.

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Well told story with a very passionate cast. second season starts where first ended: great

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I love this show. These agents were put out to pasture yet unfortunately for their boss they continue to stumble into cases. The result is usually a fight to survive. Not your average spy thriller. Lots of humor and bumbling agents. And the seasons are short, which makes for a great binge.

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[tv+] A twist that balances humor and an ironic look at spy stories. Closer to American political thrillers than James Bond movies, it frames the action with a tone reminiscent of the 70s and 80s. And it has the rude and flatulent Jackson Lamb (hilarious Gary Oldman) as the main promoter of this group of outcasts. It's also a story about second chances and a political look at the resurgence of the extreme right.

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Season 1 starts off slow but it then grabs and tosses you down this hill of brilliant writing and acting. Gary Oldman and Jack Lowden are nothing short of magic in their chemistry. This chemistry and storytelling charges all the way through season 3 and the show has remained captivating and even added an up-tick of action and suspense.

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Season 1 (6.5/10)
Season 2 (5.5/10)
Season 3 (5.5/10)

Overall (5.5/10)

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Slow Horses Renewed for Season 5.
This is great :thumbsup: Can't wait for season 4 and 5.

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I love films and TV series, in which there are outcasts who manage to find a way to redeem themselves, perhaps by ridiculing large organizations. Slow Horses was very successful from this point of view, I liked it very much. And Gary Oldman's performance is a true masterpiece.

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I am really enjoying this show. Interesting story and actors are good.

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Do not skip it! It is awesome

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Superb show. Really enjoyed it. British certainly know how to make a good spy series!
Great acting and superb cast.

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Love this show, great cast too!

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Please get the Hollywood action stuff far away from season 4... S3 was rediculous...

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This is a really great show.
Gary Oldman has a top performance and an even greater attitude :laughing:

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Absolutely outstanding! First rate spy mystery/thriller, full of nail-biting tension punctuated by whip-smart dialogue with darkly sarcastic humour - the latter mostly c/o Oldman's understatedly spectacular Jackson Lamb. So good that I'm about to buy the book(s) by Mick Herron that the series is drawn from.

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This came highly recommended. What they failed to mention, is that is one of those, boring as hell, British spy dramas, that are somehow so popular in the UK. Season 1 was actually ok, but then followed Season 2 with it's totally uninteresting plot, and you couldn't give a rat's arse about what happens to the characters, as it's so badly written.
Then came Season 3, which is even more ridiculous, with it's lazy writing, ludicrous behaviours and far fetched storyline.

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I wasn’t so sure about this after seeing the trailers, but Gary Oldman does a good job.

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Come for the Gary Oldman-led MI5 fuckups, stay for the infighting of an ultranationlist cell. too bad the themesong sounds like Jermain Clement doing a Mick Jagger impression as a bit. Still, I love every part of it!

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The whole show is great, but Gary Oldman is just pure, solid gold!

....well, booze-addled, cranky, cynical gold, but who's counting?

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This show is amazing. Gary Oldman steals every scene he's in.

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Classic British espionage show. Can’t wait for season 4

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The season three starts off great, can't wait for the rest.

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Why is trakt showing season 3 in up next? Sort yourself out!

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Really one of the best because unconventional spy series of all time.

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The second season starts out good. :thumbsup:

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Shout by No Way
BlockedParent2024-10-12T01:35:41Z— updated 2024-10-15T02:16:16Z

I'm on my second watch-through before watching the fourth season. The show is better I think the second time. Just really, really well done.

Just finished the fourth season, and I'd watch the fifth is it were out yet. Can't wait. This may be the best book-to-series adaptation of all time. Great show.

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This is a great series. There are characters with depth and are highly relatable. Even then there is constant development for the lead characters. Some of the central characters are killed, so no one is safe. The tension and the plot twists are excellent. The plot is decent, I don't know how realistic it is but entertaining nonetheless. As the show progresses it becomes like an aged wine. Small episode count is a downside, but they do fill all of those up nicely. Gary oldman as Lamb gives a performance of lifetime.

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Do yourself a favor and don't pull the plug on this after a couple episodes. It starts off a bit "iffy" but it gets to be much more interesting by the fourth episode or so. I pulled the plug when I first saw this but then the reviews here caused me to circle back and try again and I'm glad I did, it's a pretty good show. Gary Oldman really knocks it out of the park on this.

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This show was recommended to me and I watched the first episode and didnt bother with it for months as I couldnt get into it. I dipped in again a few weeks ago and BAM it hooked me! The best show I've seen in ages. Gary Oldman is superb. Each new season is better than the previous one. Cant wait to watch Season 4.

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Season 3 rated a 9

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Superb show that just gets better and better. Gary Oldman nails it. I hope this show runs for many more seasons

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Season 2 rated a 7

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Probably the best spy drama out there at the moment. Excellent show with dark British humour. Hilarious and highly recommended!

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Show and season 1 rated a 9

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i hate this show... who the hell do they think they are, dripping one episode a week?? They are "show horses" but still... you can't do this to fans.

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2 episodes in and nothing has happened. Cool opening scene but not worth watching after that.

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Trakt, please make up your mind when s2 starts. You gave Thurs 1st then Fri 2nd & now sat 3rd! I watched first 2eps, before they were aired, according to your latest mis-information!

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Entertaining. Good acting,and funny at times. Worth your time to binge. Just ignore the hollyeird politics thrown in, it goes by fast.

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The use of “right wing nationalist”, as the evil bad guy in the show. Is an obvious wink and nod to the ideologies and beliefs driving the writing, directing, and acting that’s permeating the entertainment industry.

The show is virtually thick with it.

Apart from that, it may actually be enjoyable to watch. But, I suspect the show - will inevitably be a flop when it’s looked back in on history after it’s run it’s course and the funding runs out.

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I'm watching this for Gary, but let's be honest, he's almost just a bit actor in this show. You have to watch a few episodes to get into the rhythm of the show, but it's not bad so far. I do love the concept of the "cast offs" of MI6, it's a unique take!

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Quick-witted? I'm not so sure about that. Gary Oldman is the strong horse of the cast and the "no-name" actors/actresses keep the story going. As for Kristin Scott Thomas, well, ever since she was made a Dame, she became lazy and sloppy, not to mention the ill choices she makes when choosing roles to play (I. e.: Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca). In this series, her performance is a weak sauce compared to her true potential.
The storyline is good, but I am not happy with the camerawork and cuts. Clumsy at best.

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