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Slow Horses: Season 2

2x04 Cicada

I was so close to rate this episode 9/10 ...till that very last scene with River. Geez, that dude really is a slow horse sometimes.

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Too many Russian names to keep track of here. I'll clearly never be a spy.

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This show is so good... and then Gary Oldman enters a scene and it's great.

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Quality thriller.
On any other show, the team not working together or sharing information would bug me, but on this show, it makes sense. As does River’s rookie mistake in the closing seconds. Much as we love them, these agents are not the best agents.
Standish telling her backstory to that guy was a series highpoint.

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One of the best because unconventional spy series of all time.

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Man, River is so dumb lol.

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I score for emotional satisfaction, just to remind myself later where my head was at.

I feel poorly just giving it 8/10 -- enuf's been tied off & moved along: Note to self, better than eight.

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