I thought this season's main storyline was a bit undercooked. It could have used a couple of more episodes.

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I thought the final bullet would be used by Shirley to kill Patrice.
Ho is still a coward till the end, lol.
Good finale for this season. Can't wait for season 5.

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I don't get surprised by much, but that....

Later a Comedy-of-Errors! Followed by tragedy, and murder-comedy by the damaged Coe (I thought that bit was funny).

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I kept expecting Shirley to say something like "Well get up you lazy oaf"

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One of the best shows of its kind (and that is something like agent-thriller-comedy genre). Producers: please keep going! Very nice to see the preview on S05 at the end of S04E06. Seems like the production is always one season ahead? Nice! Really looking forward to that S05 and hopefully the many more seasons after that :slight_smile::thumbsup_tone2:

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I will never understand why shows like this only have six episodes. It's a successful show and should have gotten at least 10 episodes. So angry that they strung us along and then ended this season when the story was just really beginning

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the only reason I watch this show is because it's unpredictable but it seconds it's title

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This was the River Cartwright season and it was the weakest so far. The storyline was thin and disjointed and sometimes just silly. Lamb and Standish have been by far the most watchable characters in previous seasons and they hardly appeared in this one. The humour of the other seasons was replaced by slapstick. Hugo Weaving as the villain didn't work for me and what on earth did Moira or whatever her name was add?

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Just too predictable now, I get that we're supposed to be able to piece together the general idea of what's going to happen but the clues are way too obvious.

It wasn't bad, but I wasn't really invested until the third episode and then after that I basically knew in every episode where we'd end up. I'm not trying to hate on the show I just want a bit more subtlety?

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Bizarre ending. Didn't the fact that they were working with the government and could get free at any point kind of negate everything that they were doing??? What was the point of all that???

I also love when the tv show writers are making gold. Like "hostage taker shoots gun at the ground, the 10 special forces police officers... Look away? They're confused? Anyway, he escapes." :laughing:

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Season 5 sneak peak at the end, are they filming this show year round or something?

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By far, the best episode of the series.

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