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Smallville: Season 1

1x10 Shimmer

"She's a little young for me, Jeff." What is this alternate reality in which a 20-year-old acknowledges that the 15- to 17-year-olds in High School are not actually appropriate dating material even if they are played by fellow 20-year-old actors?

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In my opinion this was the most dissapointing episode so far. With a cool concept for the villian of the week which was well executed visually however a boring story with dislikable characters.

The upside to this episode was Clark and Lana. Who as always have amazing chemistry and a entralling will-they-wont-they.

The episode also introduced a new character in relation to Lex's narrative. This character is two dimesonal and bland, with a horrible fake accent as well. In addition the two new classmates were truly dislikable and creepy.

Also I have come to realise the show has an intense fascination with 'obsession,' everyone is obssesed with everyone else. For example; Clark is obssesed with Lana (but apparently his weird voyger vibes are a-okay cause his superman), Lex is obssesed with Clark. A previous episode illusrated a best friend turned obssesive, but this is not Lana's only stalker! What about 'bug boy.' Then of course there is this episode.

An obvious filler episode only held up by its context, if Smallville wasn't such a good such with dynamic characters then the episode would be even flatter.

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I enjoy hearing the history trivia that Lex tell sometimes, like that Napoleon thing.
Poor parents of those two teenagers, one is obsessed kind of stalker-ish girl and the other psycho.

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