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Solar Opposites 2020

Am I the only one who wants a show just based on the wall. It’s hands down the best part of this series

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Not your typical show yet a hillarious, delirious, extremely hysterical, at times insanely violent animation. Another monstrous creation from the mind of Justin Rolland that is just as chaotic, dark and meta as Rick and Morty! Filled with glorious references, all-stars guest voices and dramatic musical cues that only make the show better, Solar Opposites is just a triumph for streaming animation.

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It certainly lacks Harmon's story telling, but I liked it, it's filled with Roiland's chaotic energy.

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Just give me a show about the wall people

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S2 takes the Wall story line even further. Great character development, fun twists and an epic finale. The show also has aliens I guess.

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Shout by Benjamin Hargreaves

I might be slipping into controversy here but... it's better than Rick and Morty, which has lost its edge a bit. This is smarter, funnier and beautifully written. The wall is possibly one of the best concepts ever created. Genius...oh, and for the record, I'm a big R&M fan.

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If you've ever wondered what part of Rick and Morty is Roiland's and which is Harmond's, just watch this show. While it showcases Roiland's manic improv, it lacks the character introspection and pathos that made Rick and Morty a success.

Without Harmond's guidance, there's just not much to root for about the alien family. Typically some random shit happens, then things go from bad to worse because aliens. None of them are particularly likable. Some gags are fine but on the whole it all feels pretty skippable.

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The wall side story is the best thing about this show

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Justin Roiland gone from upcoming season 4. Should be interesting...

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You probably didn't know, you're all living in my wall!

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Definitely not as good as Rick and Morty. But it does have its own charm. If you like Rick and Morty you'll most likely enjoy this but to a lesser extent.

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Shout by Alex

Yeah, can't really complain with this one besides always hearing Rick when Korvo opens his mouth. (And that Adam Goldberg kid....)
But besides that? Entertaining and chaotic stuff that will fill the void when Rick & Morty goes on another prolonged hiatus or somesuch. Especially the last two episodes of the first season were stellar and make me cross my fingers for another season.

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My first impression of this show was, "Why? We already have Rick & Morty." There's still part of me that would ring true for if Rick and Morty popped into their universe one day. At the same time, it's managed to carve out more of it's own identity and the type of "random chaos energy" that either belies or betrays so many series is boxed in in a solid way. The inner spin-off adventures, somehow, work like when you're watching a TV show from inside GTA. It doesn't forget at those levels or in the broader world that you need a solid plot and somewhere for each of them to go. I've grown to appreciate and look forward to the show more with each season, but I also wonder each time a show is made by the same creators or in the vein of the one that's already established an identity if the ideas could have been held onto and utilized in the original so that the longer they run they don't end up like South Park or The Simpsons.

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I'm so psyched for the new season. I hope it's as good as the last ones

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Enjoyable and irreverent alien invasion comedy with a fun cast and relentless pop culture-based jokes.
Makes some odd narrative choices, devoting a third of its season to side stories that have little-to-no consequence to the primary story, but still manages to remain interesting (even if this was the weakest of it's seasons thus far).

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better than Rick & Morty in my opinion

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Season 4 rated a 6

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This show is dead to me. I think it's fair to say I've loved everything I've watched with Dan Stevens in it, but, as a scab for cancel culture: nah.

Justin Roiland's charges were thrown out of court, in March of 2023. I've read several suspicious, "tweets," which seem to lend credibility to the idea he possibly had licentious social media communications with Trans individuals, IF the tweets were not spoofed, and, IF They are correct that that type of communication went on with others.

In the wake of what I have learned about the extent and capabilities of the U.S. government's, "wire tapping," of all Internet traffic and collection of meta-data, AND the sharing of that data to State and Local agencies for the purposes of prosecution, IF there was anything illegal they'd be able to prove it.

I don't believe Justin Roiland deserves to be cancelled anymore than Ezra Miller.... To be clear, neither deserve to be cancelled!

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Good BGM to sleep to

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Good side story. Worse than Rick and Morty.

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this feels like anything that didn't made it into R&M was put into this show instead... they painfully tried to make Hulu look great with some cheap "inside" jokes, to the point it become so obnoxious it made me hate it... it was definitely more gory than R&M but it was also more political, lots of bullshit about how jews are cool, some gender identity satire, and they even went as far as being openly racists towards white people even using racial slurs like cracker... Overall I hate every character, I didn't enjoy anything about this show except one thing and that was the story of how the alien kids abducted people by shrinking them and putting them into this wall terrarium and now they had to learn how to survive in their new world... honestly the wall saga was so good it was the only reason I continued watching...

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Shout by Groblin

Extremely episodic, not as good As R&M but I loved the wall saga. I’d watch a whole show about the wall.

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So this is basically just imagine Rick and Morty but they are aliens and it’s not as funny.
I watched one or two episodes and was ready to give up, but it’s worth sticking with it.
It does get a little better generally, however the main thing worth sticking around for is “The wall” sub plot.
This is actually so much more interesting than the show and is extremely different telling a more serious and complex story within the same world.
Probably a 6.5/10 overall but the wall is very interesting and different.

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The similarities are undeniable to the eyes and ears. Especially when Korvo stutters just like Rick. I ignore all this and enjoy the fun crazy animated romp of crazy genius invented gadgets, apocalyptic storylines and dysfunctional family values. Its great but not as gr...........wait a minute which show am I reviewing? My brain is having a Polar Eclipse.

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Shout by Adam

S01E07 and any moment about The Wall were by far the stand out parts of the first season.

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Nothing much present here is interesting. This is what R&M would be if it's animation, themes, characters and writing was worse. Nothing is funny nor does it explore the extreme ideas R&M does. I don't want to compare these shows but if you watch it both are trying to do the same thing this is just worse tho. I'm not invested in any other story except The Wall and even then its filled with clichés. And the animation is really dull even tho it copies R&M which looks good enough.

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I feel, like so many animated series, Solar Opposites simply needs a bit of time to find its rhythm. When the jokes don’t hit or the references don’t connect, I find myself considering how much potential the show has. Too many productions get cut off at the legs because their premiere season didn’t fire on all cylinders from the first episode. Watch the show. Let Hulu bank the ratings. Let it go. I bet it will come back with a stellar, more refined second season. :wink:

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It’s decent so far. Really think it would be better if they used a different animation studio than the one rick and morty uses. It would pull away from the r&m similarities more.

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Hum, it's kind of weird, basically it's the cheap version of Rick and Morty.

The resemblance to R&M is just too strong. And I'm always listening to "Rick" when Korvo speaks.

However it is not that bad.
The story is nice, it's worth watching, but I don't know if I'll be back for season 2, if there is.

2.3 points -> Acting and Characters (0-3)
1.6 points -> Plot development (0-2)
1.4 points -> Cinematography (0-2)

0.7 points -> originality (0-1)
0.7 points -> Based on Genre / Theme (0-1)

0.7 -> Overall Quality (0-1)

Aka. 7.4 points

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