In this episode, Andor has already become one of my all-time favorite Star Wars shows. It demonstrates character development and story nuance in a way that we haven't seen before, even in Kenobi. It tackles difficult political issues so that we can understand both the hero and the villain's perspective. Wanting to bring a murderer to justice is an easy-to-understand and sympathize-with goal, as opposed to killing force-sensitive children, but the hatred the common folks show for their heartless methods few brutality is just as compelling.

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I hope people watch this show and realize how bad Obi-Wan was, this show felt like I was watching the same story of Star Wars I watched so many times, but in a more realistic way, a more calm pace, I never saw myself so much involved with rebels and empire conflict such as in this episode, and also no jokes, amazing

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OK, I buy in. There are some points in the writing that aren't top notch like jealous boyfriend or stupid soldiers. That's thin. But I want to see early stages of the Rebellion. And hopefully want to see Andor become a more likeable and deeper character.
So I'm more intrested about the possibilities the story could go right now.

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The first two episodes are indeed slow-burns, which I normally wouldn't mind much but they also feel a little shapeless? More than compensated by the world-building that genuinely feels lived-in and thought-out though, on both sides of the conflict (loved the bell-towering dude hammering the time). And it greatly builds to this incredible third ep, where the world-building makes that town come truly alive against the invading force, with a few great action set-pieces. Just exciting, stirring stuff here.

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Perfect culmination for the 3 episode arc. The parallelism between the present and the flashback is very well done.

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This is what I needed from Disney and Star Wars. The same Star Wars universe but with no light sabers or jet packs. Just down on their luck people trying to make their way in world that doesn't serve them but the rich, powerful and corrupt. And from those people, heroes rise as well as villains. We just saw the birth of both. This is story is so much more personal then I thought at first. I am so excited to see what comes next and I have no idea where it is going.

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This show is incredible so far, cant wait for more!

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Damn, that music was soo good

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Maybe my expectations were too high after looking at the reviews, but so far this show doesn't do a lot for me. I caught myself being bored for some time in all of the three episodes. Maybe I have to get used to the really slow pace of this show. Will continue watching.

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Eh, this is going to be nothing but "Dumb Imperials BTFO" every week isn't it? I don't think I'll bother.

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I love all the flashbacks

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Not me actually sobbing over the ending of the ep. wtf. I famously never cry at star wars (except episode 3 ofc) but damn this fucking hits. you can't really assess the first three episodes as individuals because it's basically a sequence unto itself but this last ep in the trio really pas off every character beat set up in the two episodes before it. And its final sequence is just so emotionally impactful and cinematic I couldn't help crying.

It was the minor characters that really got me. I didn't realize just how much I had gotten invested in these randoms that are only in a handful of scenes but their performances (esp Maarvas towards the end) coupled with the score and coupled with knowing Cassian probably won't see most of them ever again. it just worked.

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All the threads of act 1 come together in a wonderfully messy fashion. And I need, NEED, an entire Fiona Shaw spinoff series.

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It’s been fascinating to see this world free of the usual imagery and laser swordsmen so far. You can get a sense of the oppression that couldn’t be stood for any longer.

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This episode was really intense, heartbreaking and just wonderful!

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The show took a slow start but this episode brought me in. I love how every character, even those that only appear for a few moments, doesn't play second fiddle for the plot's sake. You get to peer into the impact of deaths from seemingly irrelevant characters in the story. Super refreshing.

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By the time the 3rd episode is completed I seem to be in the minority. I still think the show is only okay. Those 3 episodes could have probably been 2.

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This is the spirit of Star Wars!

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yeah this shit slaps lol
a very very satisfying start to action that really builds off of everything that the first few episodes were setting up! really good action, really fucking tense environment, and i just love that the whole city just had a system in place already, cause everyone hates the cops corporate security bastards. Really good way to push the story forward while still planting the seeds of future conflict.
Where the first two episodes set up the people from Cassian's past and present, so did this one push him out of his zone of comfort and now into the world of espionage (i'm literally guessing here lol) that he has been known for after being established in Rogue One

So excited to see what's next! This is literally disney+'s best show!

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Ok, starting to improve the show now with this episode.

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Watching this episode alone raised my anxiety levels to the max, why does Disney do this to me :sob:

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Why should I keep watching this? Not interesting nor exiting.

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Shout by Erebos

The Good: ...

The Bad: Lazy plot devices (like the droid's speakerphone, magical signal triangulation etc.) and shallow characters. Andor not realizing that Karn is an officer, and not just some grunt, because they don't wear any kind of insignia.

The Ugly: Framing Kassa's kidnapping as an act of kindness (or worse, a necessary evil)...

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So it takes three episodes for this show to get interesting...

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So, the stormtroopers hold Maarva (the woman who took him from that post-mining catastrophe planet) hostage, and the droid inadvertantly leads them to Cassian. Meanwhile, Cassian meets with a maybe rebell alliance member who wants to take him off planet for some kind of mission.

In the end, we're off Ferrix and hopefully get into the bigger picture, alliance vs empire, soon. Don't really care about any of the characters so far presented, but the casual cruelty of that wanna-be stormtrooper force, the zealots leading it... that resonated with me.

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They've been overdressed and their faces have been painted.

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It's been rather slow going until now but this was a good episode. I hope that we get some more imperial ass-kicking from now on.

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Shout by Todd Fury

Karma's a bitch, Timm! Also, we got a "Shit!" in Star Wars!

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Awesome! Now it all makes much more sense :) And those Imperial forces really messed up :D Let's go! Quite some action <3

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Shout by Co

It took me a while to watch this one but I'm finally starting to like it. It having more action definitely helped.

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I was doom scrolling while watching this episode the first time because the first two seemed so pointless. Came here and did something I never do, which is read the comments.

Glad I did. Watched it again with my phone put away and this episode is like a flick of the switch. It changed a meandering, uninteresting series into (hopefully) a great one.

Loved the emotion they brought in and it goes without saying the scenes, FX and action scenes are by far the best of the Disney add-on series’ so far.

C’mon Toby ol’ buddy, don’t let us down!

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I was not disappointed in my hopes after watching episode one. I like how they focus on atmosphere and characters instead of simply a story. I feel they really did great in making the antagonist an asshole while still understandable. From his point of view he is hunting a criminal.
Only by now there are too few aliens for my taste. I hope they will include more than one speaking character who is not human. So far they only have the Droid if I remember correctly.

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I needed this 3rd episode to continue watching it ...

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Not particularly exciting and a little dull unfortunately. I had high hopes for this story, but it just doesn’t deliver.

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man... Timm really really sucks... including the fact that his name requires 2 m's

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