A good episode, but I really had trouble adjusting to the slow pace after the thrilling last two episodes. I didn't like the first few slow episodes and the show switches back to that now it seems.

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it's honestly so wild that they actually made a good star wars show

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I really hope they'll keep this quality of storytelling and atmosphere.

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Hot DANG I love this show so much. I had no expectations going into it, but every episode keeps impressing me. This week was a big change of pace from last week's, but still very much my speed.

I also keep catching myself half-rooting for people I shouldn't, which I guess is a testament to the writing/character quality? Meero handily smacked down Blevin and I was like "yeah get it!" and then I was like "oh no wait a second, I don't want you to actually do well!"

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Very good even without a lot of flash and action.

But it seems very implausible that Andor would be able to sneak back onto Ferrix and sneak around his town so soon after the big battle in the town and with the Empire taking over. Surely they would be watching Maarva's and Bix's houses very closely. Not to mention the fact that presumably the Imperial presence would be monitoring every ship coming into Ferrix.

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Mon Motham and Maarva scenes were really excellent

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This show gets better and better. It‘s dark and gritty, has really interesting characters and even without a lot of things happening, a really compelling story. I especially love the scenes with Mon Mothma on Coruscant.

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Brilliant. Feels absolutely like STAR WARS. „Hello there“ to someone familiar from Rogue One ;)

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For a second, I gasped and thought “K2!”

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This is a bridging episode that succeeds in that in spades, expertly setting up the next plots, while being an engaging and tense episode in its own right. The cast shows up, the set design is immaculate, the soundtrack thumping, and the themes... you cannot escape the encroachment of fascism no matter how far you go, it is all around you. They will invent reasons and twist the story however they need to take you in. That scene with Andor and the stormtrooper is just harrowing and real and unlike any other Star Wars thing out there. Just fantastic.

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This time I realize how great costumes are in this show

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Supremely funny that Cassian gets got walking along a beach committing no crime after spending his entire life as a criminal evading the Empire by the skin of his teeth.

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we're setting up the next arc so obviously, this wouldn't be as good as The Eye but damn so many of the moments HIT. I'm so glad we got back to Cassian's home planet and checked in on how that situation developed. and seeing Meerva be inspired to rebel after the garrison break-in and the dramatic ironies of that was so much. and the mon mothma scene where shes making moves at her house party ere also so good. just seeing exactly how carefully she played the game and actually make moves to fund the rebellion. that scene with Luthen where he talks about putting pressure on the empire so people feel less comfortable was also great. and figuring out his plan was to always kill Cassian just fits so cleanly with that world view, damn. I just genuinely like this show and care about the characters and am super invested in the plot. this is just so fun.

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Talking – you know, the stuff that everybody nowadays finds deadly boring – is what drives this incredible STAR WARS series. And then the credits roll you know why: "written by Stephen Schiff". You know, the guy that gave us The Americans. After three episodes penned by Tony Gilroy and three by Dan Gilroy. I'm stunned. Give me more.

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If the rest of the show took place in a shadowy political Coruscant I would be stoked. Mon Mothma has become the most intriguing part along with Luthen.

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Loving the 3 episode arcs they’re choosing to do with this show. Like short stories with their own pacing and characters but still interconnected. Loved the emotional moments with Maarva and the irony and nuance of her getting inspired by Andor’s actions with the rebellion yet now knowing it was him, and Andor still wanting nothing to do with the rebellion despite all that. That’s just great writing!

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Honestly, I thought this episode dragged on quite a bit. The conversation between Cassian and Maarva was well done, also the stuff about Mon Mothma, as was the one leave no witnesses conversation... but everything else was, I don't know, pilot sequence-rinse-and-repeat... I hope this picks up speed again soon.

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The last 10 minutes were a real downgrade considering how good everything had been up to that point. Not sure where Syrill's storyline is taking him. Starting to overtake Obi-Wan for me now.

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Boring ass talky episode. Best thing is the synth heavy score.

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WTF are they doing? This sux!

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7.5/10 - A bit of a calmer episode with lots of interesting political developments though :)

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talk to much remember too little

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I really thought that was K2SO.

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Hard to rate this 8/10 when the emotional pay-off is depression. Reminded me of Terry Gilliam's film, "Brazil."

Yes, I've watched it two times...No, I'm not drawn to depression (Behind fear, it's my least favorite set of emotions).

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can't believe how well this show turned out. Having so much fun right now. hope they keep it up.

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This is a great show. Unlike typical SW, everything is nuanced, it really looks realistic. But I had to comment on this episode because all of this came tumbling down. The prison part is just too far fetched, it’s a massive struck of unluckiness to be caught like that, and the sentence is like, WTF.

It jumped from realistic dystopia with an authoritarian government, to the well known SW Empire built from pure evil. The episode creates good tension, acting is great, but for me it deviates from the nuanced premise. And, well, it wasn’t just the episode, right? This was clearly planned as an arc. They could’ve thought of a better way to spark that rebellious fire in Andor.

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Shout by Pongpeng

“I’ll be worried about you all the time.”
“That’s just love.”

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weak episode cooking from last week's masterpiece. I slept all through this one.

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the first minute of the ending theme is such a gd banger

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Too similar to the first episodes. Some Storytelling but nothing really happening.

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