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Stargate SG-1: Season 9

9x14 Stronghold

Surprisingly dull for the amount of things that happen in it. Mitchell is in a strange funk and none of the scenes with his friend at the hospital work. Teal'c being captured and tortured feels like it's been done enough already. It ends with a decent big action set piece which makes up for some of this, but I wish the character stuff leading up to it had been more engaging. The Jaffa politics have become quite repetitive.

I'm still always happy to see Bra'tac.

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Ba'al is the best. I absolutely love that character.

Another great episode. It is a rollercoaster ride this season. We get great episodes then absolute crap episodes then back to great episodes.

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Watching this in my own slightly staggered viewing order, I watched this after Critical Mass. Makes it amusing that there is no way to 'remove' the shrapnel when Hermiod is beaming symbiotes out of heads.

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