Man the CW cutting this show off at the knees has killed my investment in this show. :sob: I will stick around to see how it ends because I really do love this version of Clark and Lois, but I hate that so much! Such a waste to end it after all of this.

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The CW is dead when it’s rushing their only good show off the air.

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maybe it's time to let Luthor go as a nemesis. he's close to a 100 yeears old. let him die, tired of his narcissistic character....MOVE on DC/CW

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Total depressing couple episodes. :sleepy:

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Shout by Davezn

A great action packed start to the season.
But, is it possible??? Is Superman really dead!? :thinking: :flushed::open_mouth:

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Wish they gotten one of these writers instead:

  • Aaron Helbing
  • George Kitson
  • Andrew N. Wong
  • Jai Jamison

They wrote episodes that landed strongly for me last season.

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Since Jonathan has super powers, why cannot he travel faster than light and go back in time before Lex gets out of prison and stop him from creating that Superman monster/Bizarro Superman? It happened in the Superman movie preventing Lois's death.

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