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Supernatural: Season 1

1x15 The Benders


Shout by eme :blue_heart:


They took a risk with this one. Making a point about how humans can have the 'devil' inside them too without having anything supernatural about it. Dean says he gets the ghosts, demons, etc but not humans and that surprised me because it's the same for both. They have a reason no matter how twisted, and they have their ways no matter how wicked. And the final scene with the sheriff and her brother's killer... Yeah. It's a wonderful episode.

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Love how this episode takes a step away from supernatural monsters and has human antagonists.

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This episode reminded me of Hostel without the gore set in The Hills Have Eyes, baring in mind I haven't seen either of the films. It's the first time the brothers battle humans rather than the supernatural which I actually imagined happening at one point and wondered what it'd be like to see them in that situation. I imagined more humour from Dean in that circumstance but I think the fact he was so worried about Sammy, he was in stealth mode. I feel like there was a lack of gore but maybe that's because I'm used to Saw etc. I was really worried for Dean at one point (more so than when he could've died as I know anything can happen in Supernatural) as he gets discovered for identity fraud etc. I really wondered how he was going to get out of that one considering Dean is supposedly dead and suspected of murder. Close shave, boys.

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why is it always sam?!?! also, I forgot dean "died" LMFAOOO

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this episode was so fucked up.

but it was also really good.

i'd kinda been wondering what would happen if they ran into some really twisted humans and thought it was a case, and i guess the directors answered that question. this was a great episode, especially with the backstory about the cop and her brother and his missing case. we go on to see more and more how dean winchester is winning over the hearts of everyone around him. the funny thing is he's made out to be some horrible person who doesn't give a damn and yet he has the biggest, softest heart of all and he's truly a great person.

episodes like this are what make this such a fantastic show.

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the way i was STRESSED this entire episode. there’s something extra creepy about humans being the monsters.

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What's freaky about this episode is that I wouldn't be surprised if there are people out there in the world somewhere like the ones in this episode.

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Owes a huge debt to the X-Files episode "Home". Still, not bad.

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I am with Dean: Demons, I get. People are crazy.

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What I love the most about this episode is that, while it is a "monster of the week" episode, it shows us that humans can be just as scary and evil as any actual monster. this is the first time they have done this on the show, and it made for quite a watch .

I am rewatching all of Supernatural again and this one definitely stands out amongst the first season.

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Não foi nada sobrenatural, mas foi bom.

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