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Supernatural: Season 1

1x09 Home


My poor baby Dean. And how brilliantly Jensen portrays him.


Oh Mary. It's not as shocking now but I remember being all WHAAAAT the first time haha. We have so much to see.

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I liked this episode a lot. The previous one was really meh. But this one was finally a relevent to Sam and Dean and to the whole main story in general. I don't have anything against the episodic stucture but I wish that the main story wuold shine through more.
Oh and i loved the ironic dejavu Sam was in. How he so to say took the role of his father rescueing him, rescuing the two siblings :)

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This episode is so sad. Sam and Dean seeing their mom again really tugs at the heartstrings, especially with them not even getting to say goodbye to her. After seeing Jess get burnt up by the same thing that got his mom, this had to be so confusing for Sam. They did a good job portraying that in the episode as well.

Going back and watching this for the 80th time uncovers so much foreshadowing about Sam's story and the future of the show. I love episodes where we get to see more into who the boys are and why they are that way. Their history, their family, the friendships they make along the way - that's the bread and butter of this show.

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Okay, hometown. Should be getting some more answers about dad. Nope. Not till the end anyway. Yes, we're getting somewhere. Sassy psychic is sassy. Sam has powers. Cool.

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missouri picking on dean is my roman empire. i love her.

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i love this episode :heart_eyes:

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