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The Acolyte: Season 1

1x03 Destiny

Scissor me timbers. That was a giant pile of poo.

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This episode, in particular, has the weakest writing and dialogue so far. It's just bad in my opinion. Very, very bad.

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Bad writing, bad art direction, bad set design and horrendous editing are some of the crap you will get with this show.

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I gave it a 2 because Tommen held off on committing suicide.

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Felt like watching some Space witches show on the syfy channel. Terrible..

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That was hard to watch

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Did I really just watched a FILLER episode in 2024 as third episode of show with 180M budget?

Whoever came up with this idea to expand flashback which said everything necessary in first episode into whole 40 minutes should go and write podcast scrip instead of science fiction.

Little girl just ended whole civilization of force sensitive witches by one tiped over candle.

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I was waiting for a shark to appear in a tornado.

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Oh boy, the bigots are really going to hate this episode.

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Communist Space Witches. Nuff Said.

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No, it’s not the same, it’s not as good, but at the end of the day it’s free extra Star Wars. Could be worse, look at Star Trek discovery :eyes:….

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Shout by buræquete
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-06-12T09:45:47Z— updated 2024-06-14T06:02:46Z

How does this at all related to the high republic period, we see nothing apart from these witches and stuff, so boring, the chanting part was like some musical, so cringe. Also witches supposed to use magic, not force, this is all wrong.

Good job making Jedi look evil and witches sweet & peaceful, what the actual f? Jedi never took away children without parents consent. Also kids are already too old, why would even Jedi test them, they are not supposed to be eligible at this age, why even bother?

So it was the Jedi who raided the place and burned it to the ground to kidnap the kids hence the guilt is it? What the f? Osha is super traumatized, conflicted, old, and too attached, 10 times worse than Anakin, why go this much effort for those boring twins? ZERO sense

Wookiee Jedi was the only good thing in this whole episode.

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"The Power of One, Power of Two, Power of Many" chant during the Ascension ceremony was lame AF.

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The point of this whole show is to fulfill Leslie's fantasy of lesbians being able to impregnate lesbians without the need of disgusting men. That's why it's so full of plot holes and crazy stuff like campfires on the hull of ships in the vacuum of space being put down by spraying CO2 (which functions by depriving the fire from oxygen, which is absurd in space) and Jedi killing themselves by poison that go through force barriers after being meditating nonstop for years, never occurring to him the idea of suicide until the protagonist/villain suggests it, and assassins boasting about Jedi drawing lightsabers only to kill while the next scene they use it as flashlights, or assassins boasting about the only way to kill Jedi is by not using weapons, cause "lasers" and steel don't work, right after a Jedi being killed by a STEEL WEAPON, etc, etc, etc...
None of that matter to Leslie and are just distractions that only nerds care about, all she really cares for is her RPG campaign where lesbians can make babies without the help of men.
It all makes sense through this lens.

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The Jedi take Sol at 4 years old. Where did he get his accent from?

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That’s it. I stopped halfway through. Not going to waste my time on it anymore. The writing is amazingly terrible. Story is uninspired. Acting is meh. The costumes look like low end child fan creations.

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First, fuck the bigots.
Second, it really shows when a learned director like Kogonada guides the actors instead of a first-timer

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Oh yay, yet another coven of "force witches" hell no, we can't have any original ideas!! first two episodes were ok, this one is just pure meh, and I suspect the story is headed downhill from here, sad was hoping for some cool high republic stuff, instead looks like we're getting the confused nonsense of Ahsoka again

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I enjoy learning about the history of the force and the Jedi. Unfortunately, it's presented with horrible writing, forgettable characters and such a mixed bag of acting quality that the show struggles to keep my attention. Hopefully it gets better...

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Slow but necessary episode. They could have
made it more emotional and intense though, it was pretty dry.

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Wasn't as good as the first two episodes, but was some much needed backstory.

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Not a perfect episode, but nowhere near as bad as the bigots on here make it out to be. I went in with low expectations (based on reviews) and surprisingly enjoyed it.

I can tell that most of the low ratings, screaming, and whining on here are just hateful people grasping at straws because they're too weak to admit what's really bothering them about the show. It's funny how the - to use their terms - "sensitive snowflakes" can't handle a show with two moms (one of them not even a human) without pissing and shitting themselves, foaming at the mouth and leaving a 1/10 rating because they didn't like the "plot". Yeah, buddy, I'm sure it was the "plot" that has you whipped into a seething frenzy.

The most-liked comment for this episode really goes to show the overall media literacy (or rather lack thereof) of the Trakt community.

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This is truly horrendous.. Also the forced diversity stuff is just getting old and bad. If I remember shows when I was little then even if I would see this as a children's show then things like Power Rangers and VR Troopers were even better than this in terms of at least developing some depth. Also as a final note it feels like so many shows the last ~10 years are just "world building" endlessly, but then when that concept is created, the season is already over. It's endless useless suspension for something that never comes. They manage to make 6~13 episodes of something that is so slow that old shows from the early 2000's would put all that same content in the first 30 minutes of the first episode.

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I thought this was Marvel’s Black Panther.
Brandok forever!

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So now we get a backstory episode on what this fire was. Mae seems like a really awful person. Seeing another "Maul" was neat. But the episode makes it seem like Mae is the cause of all the problems, as this episode is told from Osha's perspective, but I can imagine this will be ret-conned in a future episode to show the Jedi were the real cause of the destruction.

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This may be one of the worst written and one of the worst acted episodes I have ever seen in the history of TV shows. How can Star Wars keep getting worse?
I was bored to death by this stinking pile of hot steamy shit.

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Excellent background and character motivations. This is what I like in my Star Wars. In the same High Republic seen in young jedi, the high republic books etc.

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What an absolute pile of bollocks, how does dropping a lantern set fire to rock and metal.... Just pure crap.....

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What did I just watch?
Is it star wars or crap wars?

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The acting and writing were really bad. They fail every time kids are brought into the stories. What is the fascination with/focus on witches? I did not like them in Clone Wars or Ahsoka. For f—sake, let's get back to the core of "Star Wars."

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Hakuna Matata meets Star Wars. Some parts felt like a musical. Until now The Acolyted failed to impress. Let‘s hope the forth episode gets better.

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We saw the past of Osha and Mae and what happened in their childhood that led to their separation. At the same time, we learned more about other groups, besides the Jedi, that are capable of using the Force. The episode was slower than the first two, but it is still too early to start judging the series.

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This is the first time ever that I’d happily not bother watching a Star Wars production. Disappointing

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I'm the odd one out here but I feel like this episode made me interested to keep watching. Wasn't sure about the series until now.

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Shout by JazzVIP

Ya know, I REALLY like the big questions and ideas that are being presented, but JESUS, those kids CANNOT ACT. They turned everything into an eyeroll exercise for me. Actively made the episode unenjoyable for me.

• Jedi as P.O.S. cops is interesting
• New witches are cool! (Except that chant… got what they were going for, but it did not work for me.)
• Jodie Turner-Smith was awesome
• Kids’ acting was so bad, and their conversations so repetitive that I wish they stayed in the fire so we never have to see them again.

P.S. Indara is definitely the Proto-Sith Master

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