really a show with the 2 least interesting characters in all of marvel HAHAHA

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Started off solid but turned into a billion dollar company pandering to whats active in todays world politics. Nothing like some preaching from a mega corporation that barely pays taxes. They should’ve sticked to aliens or something and let us have some cool escapism. Lets hope Wandavision wasn’t a fluke...

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I just finished episode 1. This was very good, and I look forward to see where the season goes.

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I really wanted to like this show. I give it credit for following the MCU timeline and all, but episode 5 just about stuck a fork in it for me. Look, we get it. Black people were treated poorly for decades. Foreign governments treat their citizens like crap. The world sucks. Blah blah blah. STOP PREACHING AT US!

Just produce a good show. Write great stories. Give us entertainment. Take us out of our everyday lives for an hour per week. We are bombarded with social justice and political crap 24/7. We want a break, not a weekly seminar on victimhood.

Really hoping the new Cap Suit has Eagle wings because a Cap that can fly and carry the shield is what we need. Bucky needs to lighten up. I’m really hoping as well that Walker doesn’t become the “evil white Captain America” because that would be a little too on the nose. Sadly, it seems inevitable given the first 5 episodes.

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Goods fights scenes, but that's about it, It's very predictable and boring.

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This show has the lowest rating for me out of all Marvel stuff, along with Thor 2.

Bucky looks puny when he’s not the Winter Soldier. Captain America’s costume looks corny as fuck, with the thing blending over his eyes. There was a lot more talking than action for 2 characters who solve problems by fighting. The physics of some of the fights were annoying - deflecting a helicopter with the shield is only realistic if Steve had done it. Sam should’ve gotten crushed under the weight. And it’s starting to get ridiculous and repetitive how they always have the Wakandans to fall back on every time a character needs a costume/weapon upgrade.

What I liked: Zemo, John Walker and Bucky’s PTSD.

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Finale muddled and rushed through the various story elements setup in earlier episodes. Some of the big twists or reveals largely seem to involve a pretty minor character that I think I was supposed to recognise from previous films but don’t and who barely featured in this series.
I’ve watched probably 99% of MCU and can’t help but feel like this is just setting up a couple of things that will be explored in future films. Definitely one for the hardcore fans who go “Hey! That’s the guy from 26 films ago who had 10 minutes of screen time! This is so cool!”
I can confidently say more casual fans need not watch to follow future stories or for the interesting at times but a bit underwhelming series. 6/10

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unwatchable right wing propaganda. they literally teamed up with a nazi to stop anarchists helping refugees.

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this is alright, but i think wandavision got my hopes up too high for marvel shows

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Just finished ep. 1, I loved it. I hope you do too :muscle:

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It was like "black lives matter" series.

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With it's politically charged story, relevant and timely themes, and grittier approach to action then prior MCU entries, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, like WandaVision before it, showcases the best of the franchise while expanding on the stuff that made it work in the first place. The character work here is outstanding, particularly in fleshing out Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes while also giving a spotlight to other characters who may not have had time to shine in other projects. And it also allows for deeper, more interesting antagonists, with John Walker being a highlight of the series along with the much needed return of the always great Daniel Bruhl as Zemo.

But the real win of the show is it's relevance and how it actually confronts it's themes head on. It's not afraid to make bold statements, and while the ending of the show could be seen as too optimistic for some, there is a hopeful feeling to finally seeing a positive, uplifting sign of things to come. And like the show says - the fight will be hard and long, but it will be worth it in the end. One of the MCU's best.

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Another awful Disney's Marvel show with shitty propaganda...

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I'm kind of disappointed by this. For starters... there's too much BLM-nonsense (no show benefits from being this political, just look at SuperGirl). Both Karli and Walker aren't convincing as villains, mainly because they both have weird redemption arcs that are all over the place. It just feels wrong and rushed or something, like there's no big bad. Sharon Carter as the power broker is just dumb. Period. It makes no sense at all.

Bucky and Zemo were both great in this. Would've preferred Zemo as the villain imho. The banter between Bucky and Sam was also pretty good. Just not good enough to save this from being mediocre at best.

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It probably helped that my expectations for this were low, because I came away largely impressed by it all. It was difficult to get excited about a show focused on Sam/Falcon who has been incredibly bland up to this point. I was more interested in Bucky, but that was down to how cool he was as the Winter Soldier and his relationship with Steve.

I'm happy to say that this miniseries had a hell of a lot more depth than I ever expected and got me properly invested in these characters. It has pacing issues but presented its story with care and maturity, effectively delivering some real wow moments. The show's focus on people rather than events works very well and the line between good and bad is blurred with skill.

But Daniel Bruhl really steals the show.

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It's even worse than The Marvels, bad acting, bad storyline, even worse plot and ending!

The scene of Tunisia in the 1st 10min of the 1st episode, isn't in Arabic it was literally gibberish as I'm Tunisian and I didn't get a single word.

After the iconic Steve Roger / Chris Evans in several movies and such a character development being all thrown away so we can have a bad non-superhero in a worse costume and even worse speech to that senator ! Ugh :weary:

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What was even the point?

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Overall, I found this show lackluster and boring.

There were some good aspects like the appearances of Zemo and Sharon Carter, as well as the final episode tying the story up. But the two heroes and the villainess were just so damn bland, and there was no tension at all, as the outcome of the series was obvious from the beginning. The upcoming solo-movie of the new Captain America better has more to offer than this...

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’:

  1. These thoughts come after discovering the show isn’t returning and — sadly — there isn’t much I remember from when I finished the first season. :pound_symbol:forgettable

  2. This series failed to accomplish what WandaVision pulled off so remarkably: making us care substantially more about less popular Marvel characters.

  3. I did enjoy Wyatt Russell and Emily VanCamp.

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Overhyped and about the wrong Cap.

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It was okay and not too long

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Great mini-seriesbut it's not for everyone , ,

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Action scenes were good, other than that it's boring, non-sense and too much blm, too much.

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4th and 5th episode are truly brilliant. The finale ended on a really weird and half-baked note. I wish the series had a more solid ending. As it is, it's fine. Better than WandaVision

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Iconic: Finally, Sam Wilson seizes his destiny. Anthony Mackie's Sam is a credible Black Captain America for the 2020s: relatable, charismatic, empathic, strong, rooted in community. Isaiah Bradley's example and warning remind us what Sam's up against. By contrast, John Walker represents a cautionary tale about U.S. insecurity, vindictiveness, dishonesty, white privilege, authoritarianism.

Mixed feelings: In so many other areas, I just don't know what the series is trying to do. National governments mistreat minorities, cut displaced people. Borders cut people off from homes, work, resources. Americans, former Sokovians, Madripooris, even Wakandans all seem primarily concerned with their own. The intergovernmental GRC may be doing as much harm as good. So criminals like the Power Broker swoop down on refugees. Yet the refugee-saving Flag Smashers are portrayed as terrorists, a move that seems to sweep all the problems with national governments under the rug. (The source material's related dismissal of warnings about nationalism seems short-sighted, at best.) The Winter Soldier's atonement story almost seems like it deserves a separate series. And Sharon Carter's transformation just isn't adequately explained.

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Same old tired Marvel shit, utterly boring drivel for 12 year olds with no imagination. I liked WV but this is not very good at all, i'll give it a couple more episodes I guess.

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Shout by Sharv
BlockedParent2021-03-19T03:22:30Z— updated 2021-12-02T08:46:57Z

make me mortal again idiots

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Bucky has always been one of the coolest characters for me and I love Falcon just because he's black. John Walker made me mad tho and I honestly have no recollection in my head of who is Sharon but its really whatever. Regardless this movie covers how Falcon wasn't ready to play the role of Captain America and how Bucky is still haunted by his past title "Winter Soldier". Same level of entertaining and engagement like Loki, should watch for fans of these 2 characters

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Shout by Marihan

I loved it. Much better than Wandavision.

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I wrote about this show for the Ignyte-winning, Hugo-winning blog Nerds of a Feather:

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A nice season that gets better as it goes, but nothing groundbreaking. The plot is really basic and unremarkable, but the action is clearly a focal point and generally very good, though a few shots could have had more depth. The finale tied up the personal and societal themes nicely, and I really enjoyed Mackie and Stan's performances. Definitely a forgettable show and close to being a 6, but with enough second half excitement to bring it to a 7.

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Seeing fascists presented as the good guys is always disappointing, but when they use those they oppress to be their cheerleaders, it's unbelievably sickening. This would've been so much better, if Captain America had let the fascists die.

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Couldn’t get into this as much as Wandavision, just felt a bit meh but at least I get to stare at Sebastian Stan every week

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This show was rather unmemorable to me. However, I do respect that the MCU explored challenging themes like the problematic symbol of Captain America. Overall, I felt the show was a bit messy.

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2023-01-26T18:00:49Z— updated 2023-03-08T14:25:51Z

I enjoyed this slightly better than Wandavision.

Re Captain America:Agent Carter's probably not even cold yet and she's already spinning in her grave.

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Quite an interesting broader view of the world after the retraction of Blip. There are also references to the current problems of immigrants around the world.

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Shout by evais

  • why tf do refugees have posh accents
  • in another world, tony and zemo would be besties and i'm here for that
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always trust sebastian stan to make it fruity

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Really don't recommend this one. I only watched it because I felt I had to in order to know what's going on in the future of the MCU, but in the end I came to the conclusion that not much really happened that will have any real lasting impact moving forwards. Sam and Bucky are two of the most boring characters in the MCU, and I felt that this show only amplified that. I didn't think the plot was good, nor did I enjoy much of the action either.

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It touches on some really important issues in life but it is let down by the lack of a good villain.

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Shout by Deleted

You just know that this Captain America is a wrong'un.
Nice to see Zemo again.

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Quite mediocre story to be from Marvel. Too much drama and sentimentality and little action. It is much better Wandavision.

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After WandaVision my expectations were high and this show honestly disappointed. It was kinda boring and I just didn't really care about it. I'm hoping Loki's show is better - he is one of my favourite characters so hopefully it's going to be fine (although Bucky is one of my faves as well, didn't really save this show).

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It´s amazing. It has a movie production in a tv show. If u like Marvel, fights and explosions u will love The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I recommend.

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a series with an incredible theme that expands the marvel universe, but makes the mistake of wanting to be inclusive when dealing with the racial issue but in the end does not get anywhere. makes the mistake that many movies and series today when trying to force inclusion and feels forced

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it’s fine but still boring i guess. there are so much that they want to talk about within only 6 eps so every person got like,… what… a whole 30s for each?

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Interesting themes, good action and production values, some good writing, lots of ambition, mixed up with lots of misses and clunkyness (especially with the whole flag smashers plot). Overall it's a watchable show that tackles deep stuff while still being a traditional superhero action story. Which is what should be expected from an MCU production. It tries to do too much and sometimes it fails, but it's fine. It's never as good as the best moments of Wandavision but it's more cohesive and consistent, plus never as bad as the worst moments of that show.

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In terms of tone, it's very similar to Captain America: The Winter Soldier; more grounded and more politically driven. Unfortunately, the main villain (Karli) and her villainous group of villains lack any personality besides the cause for which they fight. Karli and the Flag Smashers aren't characters; they're ideologies with legs. It's a drag to watch people repeat the same thing episode after episode with no hint of humanity written into their characters.

That being said, the interactions between Sam and Bucky are just about as good as we were promised, if Civil War was any indication. Once you get through the slog that is the first episode, it gets better. In fact, there are some real good character-defining moments that will have you pumping your fist!

It's a bit all over the place, but it reveals some interesting commentary on what life was like during and after the Blip, and introduces us to new characters that we'll be sure to see more of in later installments of the MCU.

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It's the same ol' MCU shtick. The storyline was predictable. But it was still entertaining and watchable.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by manicureVIP
BlockedParent2021-04-25T11:46:28Z— updated 2023-02-23T11:32:54Z

Terrible show, even by Marvel’s standards. The plot takes forever to get going, and when it finally does, the payoff is nonexistent. The end of episode four slightly raised my expectations, but it all eventually ended in subpar action scenes and absurd plot points to throw in random appearances of other characters to boost Disney+ subscriptions. It could have deserved a less tragic score if it wasn't for the empty political messages continuously being shoved in the audience's faces in the most ridiculous ways.

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I gave it an extra heart for the Zemo dance

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Shout by Deleted

Despite the middle episodes being a mess they turned it around with the last two episodes being fantastic.

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WandaVision found dead and buried.

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they should change the name to "The Falcon and the Winter soldier and the new Captain America"

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I don't expect this show to make it another season. So boring bad acting bad characters you name it. The captain america guy probably wont last long. Not an actor to bother watching.

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I really liked the winter soldier version from the movies than this bland Bucky Barnes

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Shout by Tony Maingat

Is there a way to changw the time? Should be 3am ET

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Really looking forward to how this series is connected to the greater MCU and the other shows (like Wandavision).
Happy with the first episode so far.

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so why has this suddely changed status to ended when it has even started

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Could be postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic :(

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