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The Gifted: Season 1

1x09 outfoX

The series began as a pleasant surprise with so much promise. Now it's crashing and burning from bad writing. Case in point: the way that they took Blink out of the equation at the end was stupid. The way that they subsequently took Dreamer out was even more stupid. The goal was obviously to separate the kids from their handlers and it's clear that the writers couldn't find a better and less incompetent way of making it happen. And I keep doing a slow burn over that statement in an earlier outing about how that huge facility that the mutants are living in is "over capacity by at least 78%." Given the real-world payroll realities related to the size of the cast that can be afforded, why put the mutants in that big building and make that stupid statement at all? If you're only going to show us the same six or so mutants doing everything every week, then they should have put them in a housing situation that makes sense and not made stupid comments about being jam-packed with mutants!

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I'm so happy this wasn't a mid-season finale like a lot of the other shows, because if i had to wait until next year to find out what will happen to them i would lose my mind!!

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This show just gets better and better. I am so excited to see what Andy & Lauren can do.

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Shout by Deleted

Bleah...another promising show that crashed and burned. An episode full of dumb and hysterical women (i know... but that's the truth).... and that's about it. All i can say! Running out if ideas from episode 9!??? wtf

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Show had so much going for it these past few episodes and then they release this. Absolute garbage. Poor wiriting obviously trying hard to form a scene where the kids can use their combined powers but then that ending... so dumb and completely just out of character.

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Already this show has gone down the crapper. What is with these sub par writers?
Seriously, this could have been good, but they just can't help destroy a good idea.

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