Because every day the world gets a little more complicated, and being a good person gets a little harder.

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"The Interdimensional Hole of Pancakes is the most dangerous place in the universe."

"- Why are you crying?
- I don't know! I'm British, I never cry!"

"What kind of messed-up place would turn away refugees?"

When you hear these sentences (among others, there were a bunch off strong one-liners), then you know, that The Good Place is back, and it has extremely outdone itself.

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Fantastic! Loved the humour in this episode

I find it sort of interesting that the premise of season 1 was "The Good Place was so obnoxiously over the top good that it was actually bad" and it was ultimately on purpose because of the twist, but this is apparently the real good place and its actually still over the top good to the point of being horrible. I wonder if they're going anywhere with that, or if it's just that it was convenient to reuse that joke.

Very blatant commentary on humanity and the way the world works nowadays, lol. But fair.

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Every time Nick Offerman doesn't say "Fremulon" at the end, I am v. disappointed in the state of things. However, since this was an utterly delightful episode (and a much needed decompression after all the steadily building hijinks of the previous episodes), I will only deduct one star from my rating.

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I'm not fond about how romance-focused this show is becoming. It's starting to feel like cheesy filler. At least the story is still progressing on the side...


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Those members of the committee were all surprisingly average, as far as afterlife entities go. Such a pity the gang barely spent any time in the actual Good Place. 2 Oreos away from it... So close, yet so far...
I hope that IHOP place will be more fun than this.

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The very premise of unintended consequences is dumb. By the any definition of good and bad, unintended consequences are not part of the equation.

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Shout by dgwVIP

Mitch from Fresh Off The Boat, aka Paul Scheer. Nice, more familiar faces!

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Great the host of Nailed It, acts as well. Luckily she’s less annoying in this though.

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Shout by onlime
BlockedParent2019-01-11T12:24:42Z— updated 2019-08-02T08:18:22Z

The people from the Good Place are the Democrats, right?

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