This episode gave me such happy teary moments about halfway through to the end. The actual sweetness of this show (w/o being schmaltzy) is so tremendous. I absolutely loved it. Can't wait for it to continue in January but I so don't want it to be over.

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Cute final scene, meh episode

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there is no “answer”... but Eleanor is the answer


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I agree too disagree that this episode was a filler. it was nostalgic to watch everything again.

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Final scene made me tear up.

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This is so bad. Unwatchable.

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I have not been into this season at all so far but damn this was an amazing episode. Truly just amazing writing and finally made me care about Chidi and Eleanor

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Wow that ending though, almost made me cry. Although the episode itself is kind of filler.

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Jason out-philosophying Chidi has got to be a new low/high for this show (I honestly can't tell).

For a filler episode, this was actually kinda sweet and fun. Sadly, we can tell a show is running out of ideas when it decides to do a filler episode in its last season... Similarly to what someone else mentioned around here, I do feel this whole episode could have been done in just a couple of scenes.

I ain't gonna lie, though: I honestly shed a tear when Chidi unfolded that sheet of paper at the very end of the episode. That single, very short scene was one of the most emotionally powerful moments of The Good Place.

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It's funny that television thinks these are better than clip shows, when they aren't. What, exactly, did we learn here that couldn't be summed up in a single line later on? It's absolutely maddening to see this show spin its wheels this hard on the final season. I didn't find this episode engaging in the slightest because from the first second I realized what kind of episode we were going to get and I rolled my eyes.

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Really? Chidi's childhood? I don't forking care!

The history of Chidi is torture to watch.

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The show's been making me tear up lately

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Shout by JasperKazaiVIP

"If you know you gave me a note, then you already know what it says. Why do you want to see it?"
"Because the audience has to see it."

As others have said, the Chidi-Eleanor romance is so forced. They 100% work as exasperated friends, and are great as that pairing, but they simply do not have romantic chemistry. It's a shame that these last two seasons have basically revolved around this relationship, because it doesn't work.

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So, if his parents had gotten divorced, he wouldn't have become so indecisive?

If Janet is infinity years too old to get married, does that mean she's also infinity years too young?

Even with all the flashbacks and new scenes, I STILL don't feel even a SHRED of chemistry between Elanor and Chidi. It just feels like they're crushing on each other, not like they're in love (and certainly not like they're soulmates). Seriously, I felt more chemistry in that one, short scene between Chidi and Janet toward the end of the episode.

Okay, I'll admit it. The note was cute. Still no chemistry, though...


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that ending brought a tear to my eye ... followed by more, and more .

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Shout by superrob1500VIP

Ah the clip show episode, the telltale sign of a dying TV show. Pretty weak for a midseason finale if I'm gonna be honest last episode served that purpose better. I am glad Chidi is finally back though.

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It's a clipshow episode that doesn't give you anything new and is quite frankly annoying.
This episode shouldn't have been made cause it already has been.

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