That was perfect. What a spectacular season finale. I was holding my breath the entire episode.

Although June's decision to stay in Gilead is beyond me. I get it, she wants to save Hannah but from my perspective she would be a lot more useful from the outside.
Serena finally opened her eyes and I must admit I'm proud of her. That goodbye scene was heartbreaking.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to hibernate because waiting for the next season would be excruciating.

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Pathetic to make her go back again so they continue to torture her (and us) with misery and despair

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------- D I S A P P O I N T E D ----------

I expected much more than it, really? save and give your child to a shit assassin girl? and "Call her nichole?", what a fuck was it? now Serena is your best friend? Nick and all "good" people are fucked becouse of you and you, "Offred" DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

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I was hoping this was the last season. I love this show and I want it to end before it becomes boring and predictable. In essence - June is being tormented, June tries to escape, June gets caught or June decides not to run away. Rinse and repeat.

Please stop before this show turns into another Grey's Anatomy where everyone has slept with everyone and they need to bring in new characters so they can have more relationships/drama. End it on a high.

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vai pro INFERNO aunt lydia filha da putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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I'm honestly getting very tired of this whole cycle where Offred is close to escape Gilead only to stay there again. I know this time she's staying because she has decided to, but I don't think I can go through another season of this. Stop with the predictable stuff and pointless drama and just give the show a decent ending, for God's sakes.

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How can they make getting out look so easy, yet no one leaves that god damned place? I mean it took June and Emily, what, ten minutes to be smuggled out? There are a lot of things that don’t make sense in this series. Clearly not everything is well thought out.

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The last scene completely ruined it for me. And I love the show.

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Someone left a bowl of onions here somewhere, that's why I'm crying while watching this finale. That someone's name is Yvonne Strahovski

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I admit I’m a little bit bummed that Emily made it out so fast. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that she can reunite with her wife and son, but I was hoping to see more of Alexis Bledel in the next season because her character is so interesting!

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so fucking dumb not to flee! she knows her daughter is somewhat safe and she sure as hell won't be helpful on the inside behind tortured or killed. Get out of Gilead and work against it from the outside.

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Fuck youuuuuuuuuuu aunt Lydia kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Rawr! You monsters! At least I hope the dynamics will be very different in the next season, otherwise it'll feel like a rehash.

I love Yvonne's work, specially this season, though I still hope Serena dies the painful death that she deserves. Bonus points if she sacrifices herself or if she is finally killed by the world she helped build.

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Unpopular opinion but super tired of June’s character now. She’s selfish and a danger to everyone around her, including Hannah. They took Janine’s eye for way less than what she’s done. Her continuously getting away with the defiance is over played. Take a hand or a finger. A toe. Anything …. But this covering up for her to keep face is boring now and I can’t believe there’s still 2 more seasons to go.

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Well, this finale was bullshit

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What will you do when they come for your daughter..?
[…] You are the misery of all men. All of you.

That tension during the fire… I could barely stand it. Wonderful to see how women on all sides of society try to emancipate themselves now.

I wondered who was in that car… and whether it was just another trap. Gdi that was great. Not on board with her decision. She’s already made peace with Hannah being there twice, going back on it now… I get it, but also, don’t love it. And who knows what she’s getting herself into next. How does she think they won’t want to hang her now. Seriously, If she weren’t a main character in a story, she’d be dead by now.

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why oh why hell with that lost b*tch Serena no sympathies from me lol

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Okay, i understand june's decision, but, she'll go back there and everything is gonna be the same drama over and over, she will be ''forgiven'' again? Idk.

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Fine ending to a great season. I enjoyed this second chapter much more than the first!

So June had the opportunity to get out of Gilead, but decided to remain. That she could not leave her eldest behind, Hannah, is a given, but judging by one of the closing scenes, and her resolve as she drew the hood over her head, it felt as though writers are hinting at a greater conflict to come. No longer will June merely survive the regime, she will work to undermine it. After an oppressive 2nd season, perhaps we can expect the onset of a rebellion, and perhaps a reversal, or at least improvement, of fortunes for some of the characters.

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Shout by klti

Most of the episode was good story with exceptional acting, but the ending makes no sense, unless you are a TV show writer that needs June to be in constant danger next season too.

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I‘m glad that June stayed in Gilead because I need more scenes between her and Serena in season 3. Their chemistry is my favorite thing about this show.

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I'll probably read the book and give up on this POS.

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Well, unfortunately the more I think about this finale the worse it gets. So this whole network of Marthas exists and they never use it? I'm sure many handmaids other than June have very sad stories and families to go back to.
Also, June decides to stay, and the show makes it clear it's because of Hannah, and apparently because she wants to fight too. If it was for Hannah, why didn't she decide to stay the last time she tried to run away too? What changed since then? And how can June think she won't be killed right away? Those guys just killed Eden, who didn't do half of the transgressions that June already did, had a healthy womb and wasn't even a handmaid!

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June tries to be brave and honorable but I honestly think she is so incredibly dumb for passing up this oppertunity. Leaving Emily with her infant and going BACK!!!! I get that she doesn't want to leave Hannah but at this point she knows Hannah is safe and she can come back once she is safe as well.

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Predictable but good. I knew that woukd happen, maybe not exactly that but it was obvious that June needs to get Hannah back.

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DAMMIT!!!! I knew she was going to do that!!!

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Que gran final. June tiene que ir por su hija y quiero verla como le da su merecido a todos esos locos.

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Shout by Pato Robalino

Pffff otra vez lo mismo?... La serie ya roda lo ridículo, escapa o está apunto de escapar y de nuevo regresa.. Se acerca peligrosamente a parecerse a TWD

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I totally understand the decision of June. Never abandon your child. And as the finale of Season 1, she gives herself again to the hands of strangers.

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Shout by Deleted

F*ck!!! I'm speechless, that was thrilling as hell!

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I lost all my hope today

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Shout by Ablesoer

This will be the season's final episode.
Considering the intense emotions and gripping narrative, expect what is probably going to be one of the best episodes this series ever had. Buying nails with heart racing till the end!

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Yes I'm glad we're getting 13 episodes instead of 10. We really need the extra ones it's so interesting and there's so much left to tell.

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