I said that if there is a show that knows how to balance Mitch by putting him on a path of redemption but not letting us giving or him getting the forgiveness, it's this show. And they fucking nailed it. Slow season, at this point I'm not sure how or when things will explode - if they explode at all, because they seem to be stuck with deep characterizations (two weeks ago Alex, last week Bradley, now Mitch, and I'm hoping for Cory next week) amplifying eachother rather than building tensions (even 2020 and covid is just silently in the background, rarely being important), but it's working well, even if it's not that striking than the first season.

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Damn…I didn’t see that coming. I’ll miss Steve on the show—he’s an incredible actor.

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Another gem. I imagine they’re getting canceled on twitter for showing Mitch’s human side, and it’s awesome Reese and Jen are executive producers, and showing all perspectives. Touching the ‘redemption of Mitch’, seeing his remorse and desperation to be better is incredible. It’s a shame humanity isn’t this compassionate in real life.

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Pointless. Uninteresting. Waste of film. Waste of everyone's time.
Italy looks great!!

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Great episode. I love that you can despise a character and love them 10 minutes later.

Also cigarettes can kill you. Literally, even while getting them.

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I hated Alex for a couple of minutes, then I fall in love with such special relationship; as Alex said, not as a loved but a partner…

Is there redemption for anyone? For Mitch at least, I think we all know the answer; last four minutes completely broke my heart.

“As human beings, we’re capable of horrible things. We’re capable of wonderful things” - Reese Witherspoon.

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And finally the season has me.

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Disappointing. This show was receiving backlash for portraying Mitch as a complex human both good and bad rather instead of being just pure evil, and rather than going forward with that and continuing to challenge their audience, they gave in to the criticism and took a cheap way out

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Too much screaming going on in the last few episodes.

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So, Alex visits Mitch in Italy to secure some kind of statement confirming that they never slept together. Which they did. What follows starts from Alex unaveling, to slow reconciliation, to peace... and to a car accident/suicide(?).

Honestly, I wasn't really surprised by Mitch's death, he'd lost everything, he's begun to question his every decision... but the expression when he and Alex hugged it out (and she still wanted proof that he wrote that statement, meaning she didn't trust him - after he basically did the same with Paola and her interview) was telling.

I think an important message here is that we're all human, that we all make mistakes and the question remains if we are to be judged solely by those mistakes, even by close friends. I understand Alex's confusion: She genuinely liked Mitch, even loves Mitch as a close friend - on the other hand he's done unforgivable acts. How should one reconcile those polar opposites? And what repercussions does a friendship with such a person have? I'd have liked to see more of that, unfortunately, Mitch was killed off.

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