Fabulous scene with the undertaker. Tremendous and terrifying character developered in the space of about three minutes.

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please don't be the stepdad, it's too easy

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Shout by Gonçalo Fernandes

This just keeps getting better!

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Nasir's parents taking on the most menial, degrading jobs just to afford their son's legal representation is a stab to the heart.

I don't feel like this is talked about enough, but excellent background on the experience of Muslims in America. We saw the news clip of a Pakistani driver getting attacked because of the Khan case; we know that the general atmosphere of hostility against Muslims are rising because of this highly publicized case of a young, attractive white woman being murdered, and that is unfortunately very representative of real-life developments. Such a small detail could add so much realism.

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i hate the person nasir is becoming. weak personality he is showing tbh

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It's such a shame that Gandolfini isn't around to see the work he backed hit the air. I'm loving every minute of this show.

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Holy crap!! There you go!! Watch the spiral. It is way too common. Interesting twists to this clever story and just to think there's only two more episodes.

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The delivery guy scene was so weird and for what? also I don't know why I'm getting weird vibes from Chandra? studying all night and day after for the speech (so much she didn't pay attention to John's feet) and then she said 2 words lmao...

now maybe it's the stepfather, but what about the Duane theory? idk I feel the show is messing with my head on purpose?

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Shout by Aars

Yes Naz get the words sin and bad tattooed in your knuckles when your trial is about to start!
That funeral house guy was so creepy!! The way he talked about women!! I wouldn’t doubt Chandra’s theory that he followed them and killed her just cause she felt threatened by a pretty girl! But the stepdad is so suspicious, and that would be his perfect opportunity, but did he hate her enough to stab her 22 times?! And also that number is so specific cause it’s also her age, so it’s like a stab for every year of life, who could hate her so much???
And I’m so happy for John’s feet!!! Glad he can wear shoes now!!!
And I’m so shocked at how much Naz has changed! Riz’s performance is just mind blowing!

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