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The Undoing 2020

The story is ok, not great not terrible. Given it’s just 6 episodes is easily bingeable. More episodes and it would’ve been unbearable but six is ok. One of the big problems is Nicole’s botox. She has the emotional range of a brick. There are so many cases when she should show some kind of emotion yet she’s just sitting there like a brick. It’s scary sometimes.

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Love my miniseries! This one was so good that I had to pause it and wait to watch it with my mom bc I knew she would like it too. Big plot twist!

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Just one word: Outstanding.
Need to watch it.

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Underwhelming, just underwhelming. It’s basic and predictable. Waste of talent.

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I love David Kelly. His drama mystery with a sprinkle of courtroom procedures (or in this case a buttload) seem to be his thing and he does his thing well. But when compared to Big Little Lies or Love & Death it falls short in two ways. The story is not as polished, and the mood is not as grandiose. This could have a gone a route of cold and dreary winter with a classical twist, but during the last half it dropped that vibe.

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The first three episodes were really good! The last three, meh, no so much.

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I wanted to like this, I really did. But this is merely just an ok series.

It started out OK, there was murder, mystery, and intrigue. It seemed like every episode they would try to throw you a curve-ball, feed you some new information that would lead you to a new suspect. But in the end, sadly the killer turns out to be exactly who everyone thought it would be. No mystery, no intrigue, just pointless murder.

However, I understand that a lot of people will enjoy this series. I simply did not.

I sincerely hope this was an event series and that there will not be a 2nd season.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I can not get enough of this show. I binged it all at once. Please hurry with the next season. Anything Nicole Kiddman does is a masterpiece She's beautiful & beyond talented. Add Hugh Grant & it's just the icing on the cake:wink::thumbsup_tone1::ok_hand_tone2:

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Do your self a favour if you really want to watch this, only watch the first and last episode as it will feel like an utter let down if you invest time in watching it all, the show is designed to get you thinking about the finale and boy is it an utter disappointment. when you get to the end.

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My god, nicole is so plain and boring. Her acting is gettin' worse year after year. Hughe is also on the edge. Ok story, but maaybe wrong casting.

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I can’t get past Nicole Kidman’s acting, it’s horrible. No expression at all, which makes this show unbearable. Not to mention poor writing & dialog. They spoon feed you every little things, it’s annoying. At this point I’m watching to finish the show while doing other things around the house. This is one of those shows that you add to your COVID queue. You know that queue full of shows that you would only watch because all other good choices have run out & you’re stuck at home because of forced isolation; yea that queue. So watch this show when you have run out of good shows otherwise this is a skip.

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Anyone one looking to start this, I got advice for you...Just don’s. Seriously, you can’t undo the time you will lose from watching this crap that has piss poor story, lazy acting, terrible script, and has been actors. How, in their right mind, anyone would pay for Nicole Kidman to start in their show. She literally has no facial expression. Here’s to 6 hours of my life I will never be able to undo.

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An excellent show full of twists and turns, I am really looking forward to the finale.

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Every episode is better than the preceding one... should be a bumper finale!

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Ending was a let-down for such a nicely constructed plot

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They sure did know how to reel ya in

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The closest we will ever see of Nicole’s natural hairstyle

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Shout by Lauren

I actually believed Hugh was innocent and that’s bc he’s such a fkin gentleman god dammit

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Shout by Andreea

Great show. Good cast and very good performances.

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I genuinely made an effort to finish this show. It has beautiful cinematography, but the plot and writing does not strike me as compelling.

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Excellent miniseries in which a wife questions if her husband was involved with a murder. Kidman and Grant make the series. Would recommend and rewatch.

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The characters lack complexity and realism. They are not correctly drawn and that spoils everything. The plot is interesting though.

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Astoundingly terrible!

I was definitely amused by whatever accent Nicole Kidman was going for though. Kept me giggling all throughout. Didn’t help keep my interest in the actual show though; entirely predictable and dull.

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You get the idea that they could have done a bit more with the script but very good overall. Solid drama worth a watch.

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You get the idea that they could have done a bit more with the script but very good overall. Solid drama worth a watch.

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Wow, worst script in TV history! Such excellent actors and such an abysmal script. How did Hugh Grant, Nicole Kidman and Donald Sutherland agree to act in this embarrassment of a TV show? The clichéd, artificially created tensions, illogical behaviour, implausible corniness etc make this hardly bearable to watch. Kidman is overly waifish, vague, confused, Hugh Grant is much better, Sutherland is great.

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I'm watching the 1st episode now. Past the 50% mark and still waiting for the interesting part.

It should be called "The Boring."

So it seems some very minor character is killed near the end of the episode, and the police come asking people questions.

It's really not interesting because Nicole Kidman is the main character and the murdered victim doesn't relate to her storyline. I don't see how this could possibly be the main point of the show! It truly seems like they just threw it in at the last minute because there was no other plot.

Also for no apparent reason there is a scene were they ZOOM super close up on Kidman's eyeball. It's very unsettling. Maybe her eyeball is the real killer.

AND what I really hate is.... I feel like this is a scam. You have to watch the 2nd episode just to figure out what the 1st one was about!

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I've read most of the comments here. And I must say.. I seriously understand why some liked and some hated. Story not bad.. But it deserved a much better ending. Some twists and turns were good.. But I have to be absolutely honest.. NICOLE kidman what have you done to your face.. Some comments have been about how great she looks.. I seriously had a hard time looking at her frozen face. No movement at all. It was disturbing to the point that I almost couldn't continue watching. I don't understand why such a beautiful woman can't just age like everyone else. Seriously she has no facial expression at all throughout the whole story. Sorry but I wouldn't cast her in anything until the BoToX or whatever it is wore off.

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I am not fully sure how to rate this show, but it’s not great and it’s also not bad. Somewhere in between. It’s catchy enough and the acting is good, but the story is just … mäh …

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Shout by LordStig

The story is terrible. No accuracy in legal or police proceedings. Only a few hours after a womans has been found murdered, the police are interviewing the parents of the kids that went to school with the son!? why? Then they arrest Hugh Grant for having an affair and without any actual proof and take him off in a helicopter!?

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[HBO] Conventional thriller that is unable to present interesting plot twists. There is a certain predictability in the whole story, but it moves through the usual path of the genre, until it reaches a final episode that is unhinged. There are good performances, although Nicole Kidman does not achieve a credible development of his character and Hugh Grant does not achieve that ambiguity that his needs.

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Only seen the first episode at the moment and it seems interesting, I'll continue, but Nicole Kidman's botox already started ruining it a little. It's like she has a plastic face now, can't show any emotion. On a scene they even had to zoom into her eyes as her face had the emotion range of a brick.

LE: Currently at episode two and her botox face is so weird. Just pay attention when she tries to show any kind of emotion. So weird.

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Wow wow wow absolutely fantastic! Didn’t expect that. Twists at the end of every episode

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I loved this show. Now i just wish to last longer. For me it took me, just one day to finished. Every time one episode was finishing i couldnt stop watching.

Trully a masterpiece.

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Shout by CNCRD

It was lame. Every other person would have been better for the killer. It was nothing but a big balloon. I think would have been way better if the mother or the grandfather or the blonde girlfriend is the killer with some twists.

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Shout by Deleted

Much better than I thought it might be from the title. I liked it a lot.

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Shout by killae

SPOILERS AHEAD: LAZY GARBAGE NO TALENT WRITING! I was expecting it to be the wife utilizing her psychology skill set to frame her husband because she was also having an affair with elena but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it was the husband the whole time, COMPLETE TRASH like everything now.....

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Great Tv show. Hopefully we see more quality stories like this from HBO, instead of trying to milk seasons with dumb stories.
The finale was perfect.

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after a somewhat slow (and thinking fairly predictable) start, this has developed into a top show and indeed not so predictable. Donald Sutherland is superb in a role he plays to perfection.

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