It's been stated a couple times now, but again for those of you not aware, there is and has always been three types of X-Files episodes

1) Mythology Episodes (e.g. Pilot, Duane Barry, Nisei, Closure)
2) Monster of the Week Episodes (e.g. Squeeze / Tooms, The Host, Detour, Folie a Deux)
3) Comedic [Monster of the Week] Episodes (e.g. Humbug, Jose Chung’s From Outer Space, Bad Blood)

This episode obviously fell into the third category.

That information aside, I feel like this was very close to hitting that nostalgic feeling of the earlier comedic episodes - but didn't quite make it. I definitely enjoyed it, laughed a lot, and watched it a second and third time. But I still feel like the second episode of this season is the strongest so far, then this one following, and the premiere tailing. I certainly can understand how newer fans of the show may be turned off by this one though - they're wanting aliens, conspiracies, flesh eating monsters, etc. But personally, I didn't think it was that bad.

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OMG, I just cannot believe how much I've laughed during this episode! To everyone complaining that this was a comic episode, you've probably never watched The X-Files before. Go do your homework before talking non-sense over Trakt.
Episodes like these are what helped make The X-Files so unique.

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All those who think this episode sucked hasn't clearly followed the x files since the beginning.
Else you would have known that episodes like these were just common in the older seasons and where the ones who made us laugh and like The X-Files more.

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Some people just have zero sense of humor (srsly wtf is wrong with you people). They're just making fun of the show and reversing things. Mulder being cynical, there doesn't always have to be a logical explanation, and Mulder still gets to see a weirdness. Great stuff

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Brilliant episode, the use of Meta references and irony was hilarious!

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Absolutely ridiculous. As a big fan of 1-9 seasons, I was disappointed with this ridiculous episode.

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Loved this episode. Most X-Files episodes are quite serious in nature and get boring. But this kept me up and I was laughing throughout. Also makes you think what human life is like from another perspective. Very entertaining.

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This was awesome. Truly refreshing sarcasm in a mirror that we never want to look at.

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Much better than the first two eps of this season, IMHO. Back to the silliness and Scully seemed more her old self one, though I think in some ways Gillian's forgotten just how to play Scully. It's been many years though so I really can't fault her for it. Nice to see her with her hair red again. I know blonde is Gillian's natural color but those first two eps she looked ill. Anyway this ep reminded me a bit of Supernatural (which reminds me, nice little nod to Kim Manners!) and so that makes me appreciate it on two levels.

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...what? This is the legendary creepy scifi/conspiracy show? This was downright GOOFY. And it was BEYOND unnecessary to include all the transphobic stuff, the transwoman had basically no major role in the story. This was a terrible episode.

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Best "Monster of the Week" episode EVER! Just loved it! Totally hilarious.

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This takes the "WTF" count on any x-file episode by far xD

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One boring critic on rottentomatoes said Chris Carter clearly forgot how to do the X-Files. No season 8-9 and I Want to Believe is him forgetting how to do the X-Files.
Episodes like this is definitely the X-Files. Mulder trying to figure out technology of today like how to take pics on his phone of the monster; is good stuff.
Were-Monster reminds me of classic episodes like Bad Blood.

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This was the worst episode ever.

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Hahaha, the ringtone on Mulder's phone. Great episode.

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Only fully grown shows can afford a special episode like this. Only an audience with a mature mind can enjoy so much fun. It's like taking a very enjoyable vacation.

By the way, have you notice the inscription on the tombstone? It's Kim Manners, former producer of X-Files. ( )

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This was one of those rare parody episodes. They've done it before. This was one of the funnier ones.

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"Now this model comes with 3000 Gigabertz of pixelbits...
You can see from the shape of it, that it's quite rectangular..."
I don't like the idea of making many of such, but this one was really fun to watch, laughed out loud.
Really good episode. Thanks for making one!

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Shout by Deleted

strange sensation to fing again mulder and scully in the x files with new special effects and numeric technology visual ! still atrached to them but strange emotions each episod !

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I absolutely love this episode, so funny and silly.

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this is the best episolde of season!

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Believe it or not I've never watched seasons 1-9. I watched the first 2 episodes of season 10 and thought "wow, cool series"... and then I watched this episode. How stupid can the writers be? They go from seriousness into comedy. I liked the angle the first two episodes took and then they made this. crap. Was the x -iles always this dumb with only occasional good episodes?

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a pretty hilarious Monster-of-the-Week episode tonight starr. Rhys Darby; lots of easter eggs too

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Shout by Ward

Trust Darin Morgan to absolutely knock it out of the park.

Great episode. Funny episode. Deep episode. Mulder gets explored existentially here, and i love it. What a unique episode, and you would expect nothing less from Darin Morgan. I love the x files theme tune on Mulder's phone. I love him fumbling about with the camera. I love the gravestone of Kim Manners, who was a frequent director of the show. I love the Scully fantasy sequence. I love Mulder's speech to Mully in the hotel room. I love the hotel manager. I love the creature and his character and what he went through. I love the dynamic between Mulder and Scully. I just love this episode.

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This story was written by Darin Morgan so you know it's going to make you laugh. Duchovny and Anderson really look like they are having fun here while they hunt a dragon-monster, who after being bitten by a man, changes into a human when the moon is full…and the man-monster hates it. There's lots of fun to be had as the man-monster speaks at length to Mulder about his origin story and his hatred of humans and the uncontrollable urges he now has, like putting on clothing and watching porn.

Gillian Anderson is practically holding back her laughter as she plays an eye-rolling Scully. The man-monster also tells Mulder a tall tale about Scully seducing him. I'm giving this an extra point for the man-monster dressing like Carl Kolchak of "Night Stalker" fame.

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Honestly hated this episode. I didn't laugh once. It literally took the piss outta xfiles and made it into a joke. I recommend skipping this episode

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This was one of the funniest episodes in a long long time

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The show makes fun of itself here a little bit. Funny at first, but got old.

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What an amazing episode I can't imagine how much time I have laughed watching this episode :D
Finally we are back to those hilarious episodes like the old time ;)

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Really????This was an X-files episode????Tragic guys

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What the hell have I just watched!!!so stupid but became funny in parts the guy (monster)from flight of the conchords was a perfect choice though haha

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Best thing I´ve seen on TV for quite a while.

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After amazing e01-02 they write this abomination? Guess i forgot that X-Files is always a gamble.

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Now this just ruined x is it with the script/lizzard man? And dont hide behind sarcasm-comedy since if i wanted to watch that i would have watched the big bang theory or something. Crap!

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Shout by asukaj

Now this just ruined x is it with the script/lizzard man? And dont hide behind sarcasm-comedy since if i wanted to watch that i would have watched the big bang theory or something. Crap!

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Now this just ruined x is it with the script/lizzard man? And dont hide behind sarcasm-comedy since if i wanted to watch that i would have watched the big bang theory or something. Crap!

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I know it was meant to be a funny episode.
But it could be a funny one with a GOOD script.

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Fantastic episode. Need to be in the right (X-Files) frame of mind.

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Funny and humorous episode, that man was pathetic

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I stopped at 15 minutes. Couldn't handle more of this piece of s***. Some things are better left untouched In the past and on our memories...Its better than bring back this kind of thing..

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im stop of see this... thing

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Their dialogues are awesome...maybe the most self-ironic episode of this show :)

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Awful. Slapstick comedy and cheap rubber alien suits. Sad nosedive from ep 1 & 2.

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Not the X-Files as I remember. No conspiracy theory, but what a laugh! Really enjoyed this once I'd let go and decided to just have fun.

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Shout by Deleted

Ржачная серия , вообще другая концепция материалов . Типа сверхъестественное :)))

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Shout by Deleted

Es más sencillo pensar que hay monstruos sueltos por el mundo, que ver que los verdaderos monstruos habitan en nosotros.

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Shout by Deleted

I was waiting this monster from a trailer. But the episode is really (really!) bad.

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I was bored with this episode...

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Dumbest episode I've ever seen

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Fox Mulder ve a través de la cabeza de un zorro :P

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i shouldve made an x-files podcast so i could be in a episode.

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Was it this seriously? Ridiculous episode! Totally nonsensical!

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Funny episode it doesn't have to be all serious all the time.

But sadly this probably won't last long. Today's Fox just don't know what to do with sci-fi shows.

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This was great and much funnier than most comedies out there...

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hilarious hahaha, and the end was amazing! :)

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