Vince Vaughn 10/10 performance. He has developed so much in this series, and is my favorite character. The Finale is gonna be epic!

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‘Clear the floor, there is a gasleak’

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Definitely the strongest episode of the season and surprisingly good performance from Vince Vaughn.

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The way Ray got out of Davis’ car in two seconds!
It was good to know that at least Frank didn’t set Ray up by giving him the wrong name, at least there’s a code between them.
Did we ever meet Tascha? Was she the girl who tipped them off about Caspere’s other place? I honestly don’t remember her.
And I feel bad for Paul! All they had on him was that he was gay and it literally killed him. I was rooting for him to live this one out and to finally make peace with himself. But other than him getting killed he was like the best assassin/agent in any show I’ve ever seen, like if I’m ever held hostage I want him to rescue me or be my bodyguard!

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Quality episode Vince Vaughn top notch stuff

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Vince Vaughn was fantastic in this episode. After really not caring for Frank in the first 5 or so eps he's quickly risen in my estimation. I'm absolutely rooting for him to pull this off and get out of town.

I was enjoying the closeness/intimacy between Ray and Ani and kinda hoped it wouldn't turn into sex at one point. I'm at least glad it seemed more comforting than raw. Was not expecting that ending. Paul was my least favourite of the bunch but didn't expect him to be killed off at all. This goes so fucking deep it seems hopeless.

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This is the episode that reminds us of True Detective Season 1!! Exceptional performance by Vince Vaughn.

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