7.3/10 on a post-classic Simpsons scale. The main story, where Kent manages to get himself fired but regains his old job thanks to Lisa's helping him break a legitimate story is a little too close to Season 18's "You Kent Always Say What You Want." That's right, the Simpsons has reached the point where it's repeating storylines from when it was almost two decades into its run.

But it was a solid enough A-story. The Brian Williams reference wasn't especially timely (blame the show's production cycle), and it's well-trodden territory, but it was a chance for writer/star of the episode Harry Shearer to do his favorite thing -- make fun of the news and news anchors. Most of the parodies and gags were pretty drive-by in nature, but amusing enough in isolation. And hey, Dan Rather of all people makes a return guest appearance! There's the slightest bit of emotional catharsis in the "shared credit" bit at the end, and it's nice that the Kent story dovetails with the Krusty "Krustacean" snack bit set up earlier, but for the most part it's a solid but semi-unfocused excuse for a series of newscaster gags.

The B-story is less successful, mostly because it just peters out. I like the idea of Homer being spurred by seeing good ol' Tibor promoted ahead of him to try to do better at work, and having that manifest in the form of dressing for the job he wants. But the resolution, with Mr. Burns being unimpressed and Homer returning to his apathy and alcoholism was pretty rushed and unsatisfying. (Though the gag of his little Ambition avatar falling out and getting eaten by the dog was the biggest laugh of the night.)

Overall, it was a solid, inoffensive at worst episode of the show, with some sporadic good laughs, even if the structure and punch of the episode weren't as strong as they might have been.

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