Shout by Luigi RavagliaVIP
BlockedParent2017-04-26T21:42:18Z— updated 2018-01-04T15:16:46Z

To call this another Marvel winner would be an understatement.

Volume 2 is the best cinematic experience I've had in a long time. The action is great, the various cameos hilarious, the effects awe-inspiring and the laughs frequent and well-placed (one of the few gripes I had with Doctor Strange). And in the midst of all this, what really drives the story and keeps the audience interested is the character development. The heroes with which we fell in love in Volume 1 become deeper and multilayered, and the new additions add fantastic new dynamics.

While still falling victim to some minor storytelling tropes, GotG2 is the epitome of the spectacle movie.

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Reply by Deleted

I completly agree, it's even better than the first one, and completly different in the way the characters are shaped, and on the story, being fresh and different from the universe of Marvel. Indeed, for a good fan of their movies, it is a very special one because for once, we don't have thousands of references to the universe of the heroes and hundreds of post-generique scene that makes you discover another colorful infinity stone... It is a film about the Guardians of the Galaxy, on only about them, their universe and their personnality.
And honestly it's super funny, the jokes being every time right on time and not to make laugh four-years-old-spiderman's fans. The 3D is a very good asset to the movie, and doesn't give a headache two seconds after the intro just like Fast and Furious films.
Finally, what can we say about the soundtrack ? So good, perfeclty fitted for the movie and the different sequences of it. The intro is gorgeous, visually and musically.
