I really enjoyed this Spider-Man film! Might even be one of my favorites. Tom Holland is, in my opinion, the PERFECT Peter Parker. I really enjoyed the storyline and how Spider-Man went out on his own to fix things, even though he had no clue about what he was doing, whatsoever. It was cool to see a, for once, not so flawless superhero. He makes mistakes to get where he wants to be, and I think it's cool that we got to see that for once. Peter Parker his friends and fellow students were cast very well in my opinion, especially Zendaya. I have no idea what she did or why she's in this movie but she is brilliant. Michael Keaton played yet another good part, but when doesn't he? I'm a bit disappointed in aunt May, mainly because of the age I guess, but also in Tony Stark. I thought he was acting like a bit of a meanie towards Peter, but if you think hard and deep about it, he was kind of a "father-figure" to him in this film, and that he did do quite well.

So, yeah, overall a fun movie, one I surely enjoyed. Even though it did feel like this movie was made for a bit of a younger public, I give it a solid 7,5 and really do recommend you to watch this.

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