Shout by Aniela KrajewskaVIP
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-11-28T07:01:56Z— updated 2017-12-01T13:02:42Z

Well, this was fun! I love seeing all our heroes get together. And I'm probably in the minority, but the first 3/4 of this episode were my favorite. I'm totally here for all the mushy stuff. Girls getting mani-pedis, Joe giving the most heartfelt speech in the history of speeches, Kara singing while Iris walks down the aisle... Sign me up! I was so happy. Everything was perfect. And I don't know how it's possible, but I kind of hate and at the same time kind of dig Sara and Alex hooking up. The way they kicked ass together was awesome. And as always, there were a ton of little references to things that I'd already forgotten about, like the fact that Mick kidnapped Caitlin once. Overall, a very enjoyable episode.

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