Review by Deleted

Passengers 2016


Review by Deleted

There are many films about going into space, being lost in space, or having a massive problem of some sort while out in space. This film has an interesting storyline with a twist while being a familiar storyline. Overall, some parts of this film I enjoyed very much while other parts weren’t as enjoyable or could have been changed to be more enjoyable.

This film has great emotion between the characters, the characters themselves, and the situations they find themselves in. The conflicts that Jim Preston faces in the beginning of why is he awake when no one else is, what’s with the glitches on the ship, and wanting to wake up Aurora for companionship. The way he went through everything in the beginning was understandable. His internal debate about waking Aurora was understandable. I did not agree with him waking her and then not being honest about it when he knows what his intentions toward her are. However, I won’t act as if I would make a better decision than he did, I am not a better person but I possibly would have been more honest than he was. He saw and had, at least, a mild obsession with her as he looked up videos on her, her written work, and any information that he could find on her. So, he added fuel to the fire in the actions he took which lead to him opening her pod. However, with all the characters, you felt for them at every turn in every situation and emotion.

The story is familiar to most people that frequently watch science fiction films. The ‘problems in space’ story. What I liked about this one is that it was familiar but new in itself. They do all the typical stuff. A problem. A romance. Amazing space effects that will make your imagination go crazy with wanting that to be real. The one part I loved and wanted to know more about was how did they survive after. I wanted more about them living a blue lagoon style life in this ship and everything they did to the ship and if they possibly had a family and if they woke others. More than anything I wanted more of that.

I think that all of the cast were a great fit for the roles. I do wish that they had were no name actors then ones that already had an association to something. However, I cannot say that they were bad choices and I know that big names sell movies.

The movie as a fairly good with great special effects, great acting, and a somewhat original twist to a familiar story. However, the story could have been better and at times less forgiving. I would recommend to others to watch but to step in with an open mind and to remember that it’s a fictional story.

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