Review by salmael

Hostiles 2017

This movie is so bad, that it made me do something I usually don't do - comment on it publicly. I mean there are probably people like me who think that any movie with Christian Bale is worth watching. People who appreciate a movie that is demanding and takes up a serious topic. People who are patient and understand that sometimes the director wants you to immerse in the movie, take it slowly, to feel it and be touched by it. People who believe, that there is a reason for all that, because at the end there is that rewarding feeling, that you have just witnessed something great. Watching Hostiles you will feel anticipation that will never be appeased. It's a boring, epic wannabe flick, that you will forget 5 minutes after watching and will be mad at yourself that you didn't stare into a fishtank instead. I have seen movies with mediocre actors and a great script, that saved the day. But there is not one movie worth remembering, that had even the greatest of the great actors playing, but a bad script. That said, I'll now pretend that this movie and those two long hours never happened. You have been warned.

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