Review by Greeneidal

Ant-Man and the Wasp 2018


Review by GreeneidalVIP
BlockedParent2018-10-16T23:23:41Z— updated 2021-01-18T00:03:39Z

The Revisit the MCU Project (2021) #20 of 23

Ant-Man and the Wasp is...almost good. As it stands it's just as forgettable as it was the first time I saw it...and why is that you might ask. Well...when it's the second time you see a movie, in a major franchise no less, and the only thing you remember is the hotness of the lead women, you know it's forgettable. I remember enjoying it when I was watching it, but still having trouble recalling the plot just minutes after the movie ended. Either my memory is starting to fail me, or this movie really isn't very special.

Evangeline Lilly in that suit might have colored the rating some though...I can't seem to remember...

Old Review

Yeah...well...this one was sort of a letdown.

I liked the first Ant-Man and had high hopes for this one, but as usual, when I get my hopes up, the movies end up not measuring up.

There's not like it is much wrong with the movie, it's just most of it is rather forgettable. The script is ok, the actors do a decent enough job, the effects are good. It's just that when it all came together, it didn't end up as entertaining as it should. It's an ok watch, but you'll probably end up forgetting what it was about rather quickly.

As most MCU outings lately, this one is to be watched, but mostly for the MCU continuity.

...and for Evangeline Lilly and Michelle Pfeiffer.

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