Shout by Ireney Berezniak

Bird Box 2018

I’ve never been a Sandra Bullock fan, but I found her performance in Bird Box rather incredible. In fact, the whole cast was superb. Great execution. My favourite thriller of 2018.

The ending was quite excellent, hinting subtly that perhaps things were not what they seemed. Did she make it, or were things just too good to be true? The idyllic paradise in the midst of the apocalypse, survivors lounging on the grass, enjoying carefree conversation? Oooooh, I don’t know ...

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@evilbyte I mean, if you 'look' at the aliens or whatever, you commit suicide and she ended up at a school for blind people sooo it's not truly a paradise

@reginasays Who says she committed suicide? There were others depicted in this film who have opened the eyes and have seen whatever-it-was, and claimed it was the most beautiful sight ever. It seemed they were in a 'paradise' of their own after seeing it. I'm saying she has seen it, and survived, and this is the effect that it has had on her ... maybe :)

@evilbyte I thought that. It reminded me of when the people in The Walking Dead got to Terminus! The guy who welcomed them just seemed a little bit too.... I dunno, creepy?

@evilbyte Oooh I loved at the end of the movie when they got inside and the man says: YOu're safe, you can take off your blindfol.. for a second I thought it was a scam and it was a perfect moment

@evilbyte If you enjoyed her performance in Bird Box, consider watching Gravity too, this was the first movie i enjoyed with her.

@m0d3rn Right! I did watch Gravity, and she was not bad in that either.

@evilbyte wow, that kind of makes sense. Especially since in the end she met her obgyn doctor too, like it's just too good to be true.


Reply by LBJVIP
Blocked2021-06-21T10:53:06Z— updated 2021-06-23T02:03:12Z

@reginasays I'm not fully convinced that the aliens were killing anyone, or if we should be calling them aliens. Gary's sketches were an accurate representation of what HE witnessed, but maybe it's not the same for everyone. After all, most people referred to what they were seeing as beautiful, including Gary. Remember in the beginning, John Malkovichs' wife saw her mom before calmly entering the burning car. Everything is not always what it seems, and our understanding and interpretation of certain things can certainly be WAY off. With that being said, my money is still on celestial beings.

Imagine first that there are multiple dimensions that exist here on earth. Some are more beautiful than the mind can contemplate, and others are too horrifying to even imagine. These dimensions co-exist within the world we live our normal lives in on an everyday basis, but our minds are incapable of making the necessary sensory connections to see them on our own; much like a person who was born blind has initial difficulty making connections with what they can see after they gain sight surgically. We know our minds invent much of the world we think we see as demonstrated by experiments and popular optical illusions, thus it isn't much of a stretch to believe we are unable to see things our three dimensional minds cannot put into context.

In the movie, the walls separating the different dimensions from our plane are being taken down and the celestial beings roam our earth in forms that are visible and physical, and by seeing them creates an instant bridge in the mind of the person who saw them. This bridge enables such a person to not only see these other dimensions, but also mirrors the destination of that person's soul. What mere humans ultimately experience drives them into supreme madness. Those that are mentally insane are instead enslaved by what they perceive as beautiful beyond comprehension.

So what you have are celestial beings deliberately bringing about the self-inflicted end of humanity by appearing to humans. This also explains why the insane are seemingly enslaved by what they experienced and are unwilling to kill themselves, while still being tragically motivated to reveal the most High to those who can achieve it.

The dark and the light, they exist side by side. Sometimes overlapping, one explaining the other. The darkened path is as illuminated as the lightened…” – Raven Davies
