Shout by JordyVIP
BlockedParent2019-05-17T07:19:53Z— updated 2023-03-17T19:05:36Z

I don’t get the appeal of these.
Yeah, the stuntwork’s great, but I see no redeeming qualities besides that. The acting sucks, the dialogue’s corny, the story is schlock that’s presented way too seriously, the characters are uninteresting, there’s little to no tension because the main character is an invincible cartoon, the music’s unmemorable and generic, and most of the film is just plain damn boring.
All the good stuff that this has to offer is also offered by franchises like Mission Impossible and Fast and Furious, and more on top of that.
You’re not getting the clever intrigue or fun gimmicks of the MI franchise here, nor the tongue in cheek comedy or creative, over the top insanity of the F&F franchise.
This is so boring by comparison to me.


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