Shout by Xiofire

Beetlejuice 1988

Probably hampered by the fact I did not grow up with this movie, seeing Beetlejuice for the first time today was a somewhat middling experience; very much the opposite of what I expected given this movies prestige. While it's excellent use of practical effects and physical comedy shouldn't go unnoticed, I can't shake the feeling that this movie didn't really do anything special or unique to warrant it's heralded status. Some gags fall flat, others try too hard and come off forced. The story is nonsensical and absurdist to the point of incoherency, but I'm gathering that's a virtue to most viewers of Burton's 80's and 90's films?
Just not for me, but I'm sure if I'd have been shown it in my formative years I'd possibly have had a different opinion/attachment like many seem to share online.

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