Review by KDot.

Yasuke 2021


Review by KDot.
BlockedParent2021-05-03T21:10:17Z— updated 2021-05-06T01:45:11Z

Really wanted this one to be a hit but I was sourly disappointed.

The supporting characters had no "character" at all. The show didn't give time for us to form any kind of connection between the hired mercenaries either. Made no sense when the robot and Makita all of a sudden had hearts. Robot kamazazing for no reasons after his "friend" was killed. The bear sacrificing herself to hold back the invading force? Why? There was no point in this show that these characters ever seemed to care about anyone but themselves. Which is fine really, that can be a character point in itself.

Yasuaki is bland and has no development at all. He is the same through out the show. As a black man I had little to connect with him. Really wish they gave him more character. Instead we got a basic protagonist that happened to be black.

The animation is poor. Watching the characters mouths move made my head spin. Looked more like an English dub when that is the original language. It's clear Netflix didn't give them much of a budget (Ala Castilvania, Son of Zeus) and it shows.

Those are just a few examples but there are more that made this show more of a failed experiment Netflix threw out there.

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