Shout by Jitse Lemmens

The Angels' Melancholia 2009

This is what do you get when you've got a pretentious movie maker who wishes to cross every single taboo off the list in an attempt to make an edgy movie while being "artistic" and "profound".

This movie has everything from actual animal abuse and killing to nudity, abuse, vomit, rape, scat, peeing, torture, mutilation, real sex, eating nasty stuff and even the stuff you thought they'd probably wouldn't do. Not everything is real of course but the killing of animals, sex, drugs and cutting of breasts apparently were.

On top of all that it's boring, nonsensical and - I'll state it again - too much. Way, way, way too much. Not only in the depiction of depravity but by actually DOING some of IT and the excruciatingly long playtime.

Spare yourself of this film and do something else with the 2h38 this movie takes to end. Knowing it exists is enough, no need to give it views to be honest.

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