Shout by Bledwell

Outer Banks 2020

Gawd this is an awful show. The choices the kids make are stupid ones (Every . Last . One). The authorities would have had all of them arrested by the 4 episode in real life. The parents are completely unbelievable. I keep asking myself how much money is this treasure (treasureS) worth? And nobody can possible work together? They still would have more money than they could possible spend. They all have skills they couldn't possible possess at their age. The list just goes on an on. Its nerve wracking to watch it. The only redeeming part is there are some pretty locations and amazing boats. How do these dirt poor kids afford them and the gas? Lastly, I cant stand love triangles and man there are a ton in this show. I have to find other things to do while the show is on to keep my sanity.

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