Shout by Dudaai
BlockedParent2023-09-02T01:29:11Z— updated 2023-09-05T00:47:33Z

Much as I like this series, season 3 is definitely the weakest of the 3 IMO, by a long way! The writers seem to have gone off the thread of the team of 3 working together to solve a murder to 3 individual stories of their personal lives and relationships where occasionally they seem to remember "oh yeah, there's a murder here for us to solve right?" at which point a link to the story appears, problem is though, without the original theme of what made the series good and fun it's just a bit dull . The dream / fantasy sequences really add nothing to the show whatsoever and merely serve as pointless (not to mention stupid) padding. If they have run out of ideas to keep the show fresh based on the idea it was originally founded on, maybe it's time to end it.

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