Shout by MysticSynthWave

Super Fuzz 1980

First and foremost what in the name of all that is holy were they thinking with that intro video my eyes need adjusting after that, it's like a bunch of kids somehow got into the editing room and played with all the dials.

The intro song which is predopminant throughiut is great though,

He's a super snooper
really super trooper
a wonder cop a one like you never saw
he's a super snooper
really super trooper

Ok with all that out of the way, the film itself is pretty comical, oldschool slapstick and some funny gags, this is a totally family friendly film especially for younger viewers which is nice.

Older audience's will hit or miss with the kind of humor its going for viewing it as pretty silly which it is but in a good way, I enjoyed the farce till the end, was also nice seeing Ernest Borgine after recently seeing him in Airwolf.

Just cover your eyes for that intro sequence yee gads.

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