Review by srahs

The Idol 2023

This is definitely one of the Sam Levinson shows of all time. It had a beginning, middle, and an end I think?, still debatable cause this show seems like it was cut short prematurely. As I sat in my room watching this travesty late into the early morning with no sleep in between episodes (which I don't recommend), I realized something.

This now canceled (by HBO) waste of time served no purpose. Well, it did give me two new songs to put on my music playlist. That's something I guess. Other than that I struggle to think of any net positives of this series' existence.

The IDOL has got it all, specific events happening then being quickly forgotten about the next episode with no follow-up, which was most likely the result of a rewrite or the aforementioned premature cancellation of the show. Cringeworthy dialogue that would make a victorian child cry blood. The classic weird HBO nudity that doesn't really need to be there to get the point across for a scene, but is there anyway. It seems even worse with Levinson involved, almost like it's a clause in his contract to show me a cock & balls against my will.

Like any other awful anything, if it was made with at least some care in mind then it'll have its bright spots and The Idol is no different. The following is a list of the only redeemable and slightly enjoyable aspects of this show: anything involving Destiny, some of the songs, and specific singers like Izaak and Chloe.

I think I'll take back what I said about the show having no purpose. If no other lesson can be drawn from this show, its that Sam Levinson either needs to be restricted by a court of law not to come within 10 feet of a script or that he desperately needs a FUCKING WRITERS ROOM.

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