Review by Jordy

Challengers 2024


Review by JordyVIP
BlockedParent2024-04-25T09:57:06Z— updated 2024-04-26T17:05:06Z

Probably more mindblowing for an American audience that barely gets any exposure to this kind of material from its own industry. For my taste, Guadagnino plays it way too safe. I was waiting for it to push beyond the melodrama into something more wild or messed up, and I never really got that. He's constantly flexing with impressive camerawork, great editing and a fantastic score, but what is it all in service of? There's not a lot more to this than very basic melodrama. Tennis is used a metaphor for innuendo and relationships, which becomes a bit eye-rolling as the film goes along. On top of that it's not nearly as sexy as some people are suggesting, it feels like a lot of foreplay and innuendo without a real pay-off at any point. His camera doesn't shy away from nudity or sweat, and Trent Reznor's score puts in a lot of work in turning up the heat, but you want it to push beyond that at some point. For me it doesn't really develop into anything surprising and the conclusion it ultimately goes with feels kinda lame because of it. Still, it does a good job at intriguing you with the personal struggles of the three main characters, all of which are well portrayed by the actors. Zendaya is a bit hard to read at times, though it could be intentional with the character she's playing. There's enough merit to the complexity of the characters and technical aspects that kept me from being bored, but the entire time I kept thinking about how much more interesting this could be with someone like Paul Verhoeven at the helm.


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Absolutely. I think the script is to blame here and it's them who carry the movie, otherwise the reception wouldn't have been as good.

@jordyep EXACTLY I couldn't have said it better myself fit's like okay where were you going? it felt like it wanted to push pass the basic melodrama, or at least that's what I felt watching that the ending felt when I was watching like I still had half of the movie left because I felt like it couldnt be that. That couldn't be the movie.
